Abnormal climatic conditions encountered during the fruiting period of watermelon flowering and setting, the occurrence of adverse weather conditions such as high temperature, low temperature, rain, drought, etc., will lead to abnormal growth of the watermelon plant, plant growth and weakness, watermelon ovary incomplete or thin, especially continuous Rainy weather will make watermelon unable to pollinate and fertilize normally, causing serious imbalance in vegetative growth and reproductive growth, plant madness, excessive nutrient growth, and a large number of young fruit melons, resulting in watermelons sitting hard, sitting late, and causing serious malformations. as a result of.
Inappropriate fertilizer and water management, large amount of nitrogen fertilizer in the growing period of watermelon if the improper management of fertilizer and water, will make the plant malnutrition, stems and leaves take longer, resulting in falling flower or melon, especially when the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is too large, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer is insufficient, it is It is easy for the plants to reduce the rate of sitting.
Watermelon flowering pollination Female flower pollination Bad watermelons, if the temperature is low, is not conducive to insect activity, affect insect pollination, will reduce the fruit setting rate. Such melon fields should be artificially pollinated. If the female flower pollination is uneven, it will cause low fruit setting rate and fruit deformity.
Insufficient understanding of the characteristics of varieties, failure to achieve thoroughbred good methods to understand the characteristics of watermelon varieties is not enough, not according to the characteristics of the characteristics of the cultivation and management, especially for large fruit watermelon in the flowering fruit setting control of fertilizer and water, assisted artificial pollination The measures have not been implemented properly, and have nothing to do with the quality of watermelon seeds.
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