The nutritional value of mineral water

Mineral water is an uncontaminated underground ore that has been naturally or deeply exposed from the depths of the ground; it contains a certain amount of mineral salts, trace elements, or carbon dioxide gas; in general, its chemical composition, flow rate, and water temperature Such dynamics are relatively stable within the natural fluctuation range. Mineral water is formed in the deep layer of the formation and contains minerals and limit indicators as prescribed by national standards.

According to the physical condition and the difference of drinking water in the area, choosing suitable mineral water for drinking can supplement minerals, especially the role of trace elements. Drinking mineral water during the summer season is an effective way to supplement the minerals lost through sweating.

The nine boundary indicators specified in the national standards include lithium, bismuth, zinc, selenium, bromide, iodide, metasilicic acid, free carbon dioxide, and dissolved total solids. Mineral water must have one or more requirements for reaching the limit indicators. The required content is (unit: g/L): Lithium, barium, zinc, iodide all ≥ 0.2, selenium ≥ 0.01, bromide ≥ 1.0, metasilicic acid ≥ 25, free carbon dioxide ≥ 250 and total dissolved solids ≥1000. Most of the mineral water in the market belongs to Sr type and metasilicate type, but also mineral water with other mineral components.

Another major feature of natural mineral water is that it is rich in constants and trace elements that are beneficial to human health, especially the reasonable content of the trace elements specified in the mineral water standard, and it is also a preventive and health-care function for the human body. Scientifically determined, the average value of various chemical elements and trace elements in human blood is closely related to the abundance of elements in the earth's crust. Mineral water is a mineral element dissolved in the earth's crust. Therefore, mineral water is rich in essential trace elements.

Trace elements

1, partial silicic acid: softening effect on human aortic sclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, neurological disorders, stomach and gastric ulcer have a certain role in health care. It can also strengthen bones, promote growth and development, play a preventive role in the digestive system, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and nervous system disorders, and has anti-cancer and anti-aging functions.

2. Sputum: Sputum is present in all tissues of the human body. It is also a normal component of bones and teeth. It is mainly concentrated in ossified areas and can strengthen bones. Sputum can reduce the body's absorption of sodium, and facilitate normal cardiovascular activities, reducing the mortality of cardiovascular disease.

3, zinc: is an essential trace element of the human body, zinc has a variety of physiological functions, it is not only a "wisdom" element, but also an essential component of the human body's various enzyme systems, constitute an essential element of a variety of protein molecules. The zinc contained in the body is almost all distributed within the cells. Zinc can improve the body's immune function, and can achieve anti-aging effects; zinc can accelerate wound healing, stimulate sexual function, trace zinc can strengthen memory, delay brain aging, zinc can protect the heart muscle from isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage The combination of zinc and diuretics can strengthen the antihypertensive effect and help control the occurrence of coronary heart disease. It has more important nutritional value for growing infants, children and adolescents.

4, selenium: is the essential trace elements of the human body, known as "the singular element of life." Selenium is an essential component of glutathione peroxidase; it can prevent or slow down the process of lipid autooxidation in vivo and prolong the lifespan of cells, so it can improve longevity; selenium is an essential substance for myocardial health, and it can improve mitochondrial function. Hypertension, intestines, and stomach have therapeutic effects; selenium has important healing effects on hypertension, myocardial infarction, and kidney damage.

5, iodine: is an essential nutrient element of the human body, iodine deficiency can cause thyroid hormone synthesis in the body disorders, will lead to compensatory hyperplasia of thyroid tissue, the neck shows nodular uplift, which is also an endemic goiter, it has a direct impact Patient's health and labor.

6, lithium: the central nervous system has a regulatory function, can stabilize emotions, can reduce the incidence of neurological disorders; can improve the state of hematopoietic function, so that the increase in neutrophils and phagocytosis, improve the body's immune function. It can also replace and replace sodium in the body, which has the effect of preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases.

7. Fluorine: It is an essential trace element for the human body. It plays an important role in the formation and structure of teeth and bones, as well as the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. For example, drinking water and foods are prone to dental caries in the absence of fluoride for a long time, and children are particularly prominent. 98% of primary school students in the area suffer from dental caries. The lack of fluoride in the elderly can affect the effects of calcium and phosphorus, which can lead to crunchy bones and fractures. Too much fluoride in drinking water can cause spotting and fragile teeth. Therefore, the right amount of fluoride is necessary for the human body.

8. Iron: Iron is necessary for transporting and exchanging oxygen in mammalian blood. Without iron, hemoglobin cannot be produced and oxygen cannot be delivered. Severe iron deficiency can cause iron deficiency anemia. It is noteworthy that although children with mild iron deficiency, their attention will be significantly reduced, thereby affecting their learning.

Constant element

The so-called constant element cords, which are the elements (or ions) that are more abundant in natural mineral water, are: K+, Na+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl-, SO4-2, and HCO3-. The beneficial effects and functions of these major elements on the human body can not be underestimated, especially when they are appropriate to the content and ratio, the role of the human body will be better, such as the ratio of calcium and magnesium in water is 3:1 At this time, the ratio of calcium and magnesium in human blood is very similar, so it is easily absorbed by the body.

1. Calcium: It is an essential element for the formation of human bones and teeth. It plays an important role in the growth and development of infants and adolescents. Infants and young children are deficient in calcium and are prone to rickets and rickets. Calcium is an essential element for neurotransmission and muscle contraction. It stimulates heart and blood vessel activity, activates a variety of enzymes, improves the body's resistance to infectious diseases and its anti-inflammatory effects, and ensures that the brain works tenaciously. Calcium deficiency also increases the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

2. Magnesium: It is one of the essential nutrients for the human body. It is part of the human skeleton as well as calcium. It is a catalyst that can activate the formation of some enzymes. It regulates nerve activity and has a strong sedative effect. High mineral water containing magnesium can also prevent or reduce the incidence of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cholecystitis. According to relevant information, magnesium deficiency can lead to the occurrence of esophageal cancer.

3, potassium: is one of the indispensable elements in the human body. It is the main ion of intracellular fluid and maintains the cell's metabolism. It is ionically present in the blood and has electrochemical and messenger functions. If there is a lack of potassium in the body, often numbness, muscle weakness, arrhythmia and other illnesses.

4, sodium: is an indispensable component of the human body, its bicarbonate is the main buffer in the blood, but also is a stimulant, when the body is too tired to sweat too much, the amount of sodium supplement will be quickly adjusted Cell balance; it is also an essential element of skeletal muscle contraction and normal heart beat. Excessive sodium intake in the human body can easily cause high blood pressure. The so-called high and low sodium mineral waters should also vary from person to person. Middle-aged and elderly people should drink low-sodium mineral water. Young people, especially those with heavy exercise and heavy manual labor, are also good for health by drinking appropriate amounts of high-sodium mineral water. of.

Over the years, many research findings have revealed that mineralization, hardness, and pH in drinking water have a closer relationship with human health. In the United Kingdom, data from 253 towns surveyed from 1969 to 1973 were analyzed and it was found that the mortality rate of cardiovascular disease in soft-water areas was 10-15% higher than that in hard-water areas. In addition, two cities in the United Kingdom, Sucnthrope and Grimshy, both of which originally consumed water with a hardness of 444 mg/L, had the same death rate as heart disease. Later, Sucnthrope softened the water to 100 mg/L, and heart disease surged a few years later. Grimshy still maintains its original percentage. Another example is the study of 4,200 adults in the United States, located in 35 different regions. They also found that the mortality rate of heart disease in hard water areas is lower than that in soft water areas. In the investigation and research, it was also shown that drinking water with high salinity is less likely to die from heart disease, cancer, and chronic diseases than water with low salinity. in

Research from modern biochemistry, quantum chemistry, and structural physics proves that minerals and trace elements in water are indispensable to human life and health. They cannot be completely replaced by minerals and trace elements in food. Minerals in water and Trace elements are ionic and easily absorbed by the body. They absorb up to 90% or more and absorb quickly. Minerals and trace elements in food, due to the influence of plant fiber and phytic acid, the absorption rate is mostly less than 30%, and some are only less than 10%. Therefore, it is healthy to drink natural mineral water containing minerals and trace elements. In addition, it is also worth mentioning that the pH value in water is also an important factor for human health. The human body fluid is weakly alkaline and the pH value ranges from 7.3 to 7.45. Mineral water is weakly alkaline, pH value is generally around 7.5, which is consistent with the pH value of human body fluids, which is conducive to maintaining normal osmotic pressure and acid-base balance and promoting metabolism.