The temperature in the early spring is still low, and attention must be given to the drinking water of the sheep. Otherwise, the lack of drinking water by the sheep will not only slow the digestion process of the sheep feed, but also hinder the metabolism of the sheep, reduce the sensation, and cause various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to create good drinking water conditions for the sheep in production to ensure adequate drinking water.
1. Drinking temperature. If the temperature of water consumed by the sheep is too low, the water must absorb the heat from the sheep itself, which will reduce the utilization of the feed. Therefore, the temperature of the drinking water in the early spring sheep is preferably 20 °C ~ 30 °C.
2. The amount of drinking water. Sheep consume 1 kilogram of dry matter and need 3 to 5 kilograms of water. Therefore, in the early spring, depending on the situation of the sheep eating forage grass feed, the sheep should drink 3 to 5 times the dry matter quality of the water.
3. Drinking time. Fasting drink sheep, if the water temperature is low, will make the body's temperature drop abruptly, easy to make the sheep a fever, pregnant ewes fasting cold water easy to abortion. In the production, the sheep should be given water after feeding the grass for 1 hour. This can also make the water and the forage mixed well in the rumen of the sheep and help digestion.
4. Drinking times. It is advisable to give the sheep drinking water twice in the morning and evening, and be sure to drink enough for the sheep.
5. Drinking water form. In order to promote the sheep to drink more water, drinking enough water, sheep can be used to feed concentrate. The method is: first use open water to open the concentrate feed, stir evenly, make it into a paste, and then on a certain amount of water, stir evenly to the sheep to drink.
Efficacy: complete removal of the skin of dirt, with whitening, Blemish effect, but also increase the skin's luster, make skin feel instantly cool.
Function Type: cleanser, cleanser
Skin: all skin types, has a good antibacterial effect, can effectively clean skin whitening. Cool-cool, so you vitality doubled.
Companies registered capital of 35 million yuan, the end of 2014 the total assets of 48.69 million yuan, including fixed assets of 37.52 million yuan. The company's existing cooperation Orange cultivation base 7043.5 acres, the company production base is located in Jiangxi County Tech Industrial Park Chu Tan industrial area, covers an area of 120 acres, it has built a standard plant 9,000 square meters, Nissan 6000 kg Orange enzymes and other liquid enzyme products. Enzyme, known as enzyme, refers to a polymer substance having biocatalytic functionality. In the catalytic reaction system an enzyme, the reactant molecules are known as substrates, enzyme substrates by catalytic conversion to another molecule. Almost all cellular activity of enzymes involved in the process are required to improve efficiency. Similar to other non-biological catalysts, enzymes chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy to accelerate the rate of the reaction, most of the enzyme catalyzed reaction rate can be increased a million times; in fact, the enzyme is to provide an activation energy needs than another low way, so that more particles to have less than the activation energy of the reaction kinetic energy, thus speeding up the reaction rate. Enzyme as a catalyst, in itself is not consumed during the reaction, it does not affect the chemical equilibrium reactions. Positive enzyme catalysis, but also a negative catalytic effect, not only to accelerate the reaction rate, but also to reduce the reaction rate. And other non-living catalysts is different, having a high degree of specificity of enzyme, only a catalytic reaction or produce a particular specific configuration.
Vc Whitening Moisturizing Cleanser
Vc Whitening Moisturizing Cleanser,Remove Skin Dirt Cleanser,Fast Whitening Skin Cleanser,Effective Antimicrobial Blemish Cleanser
Ganzhou Green days Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd. ,