Symptoms The disease is common in the North and Taiwan, with severe sorghum hybridization, and it also occurs in central and southwestern China. The main damage leaf sheath, but also damage the leaves. After the onset of disease, water-soaked lesions occur on the stalk near the ground, and purple-red and gray-white lesions appear on the posterior leaf sheath. In the later period of childbirth or in wet and humid weather, the diseased part produces brown sclerotia. The disease can also spread to the top of the plant, causing damage to the leaves. Plants with severe disease die prematurely. Stem-based leaf sheaths were infected with primary white-green water-soaked small lesions, which later expanded into oval-shaped, brown surrounding areas, and shallow lesions in the middle. Leaf disease was gray-green to grey-white cloud-like spots, most of the lesions merged into tiger-like spots, causing the entire leaf to die. When the humidity is high, white mycelium grows inside and outside the leaf sheath, and some produce dark brown brown sclerotia.
The pathogens Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn AG-l-IA and AG-5 were two hyphal fusion groups, and the AG-1-IA hyphal fusion group accounted for 77% and the AG-5 hyphae fusion group accounted for 19.2%, AG. -4 accounted for 3.8%. There are sexual states for Thanatephoruscucumeris (Frank) Donk. The melon bacillus is a basidiomycotina fungus. Mycelial growth temperature limit 7-40 °C, suitable temperature 26-32 °C. When the sclerotia are at 26-32°C and relative humidity above 95%, hyphae can be germinated within 10-12 days. The mycelial growth is suitable for pH 5.4-7.3. When the relative humidity is higher than 85%, the hyphae can invade the host.
See corn sheath blight for transmission methods, disease conditions, and control methods.
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