Which artificial foods will destroy health

Is eating to supplement energy or hurt the body? Every kind of food was born to satisfy people's pursuit of taste and nutrition. However, it is counter-productive. The following six kinds of foods, although they have excellent taste, do harm to the body.

One, margarine

In 1869, the chemist Mures invented the margarine, a substitute that was easier to preserve than butter. Napoleon III personally presented him with an award.

Disaster label: trans fatty acids. Although margarine has a variety of good names - plant creamers, non-dairy creamers, shortenings, and vegetable creams, they all have a common chemical name "trans fatty acids." Behind the coveted delicacy, it is very likely to lay a hidden danger for people's health, leading to high incidence of diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cancer and other diseases.

Expert Weapon: According to the survey, biscuits, bread, chocolate pie, salad dressing, cream cake, ice cream, pearl milk tea, coffee mate, etc. are trans fatty acids in the "hit area", we must try to eat less. When buying packaged foods, pay attention to food nutrition labels, foods that contain plant butter, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and vegetable shortenings all contain trans-fatty acids. It is advisable to purchase them carefully.

Second, MSG

In 1908, a Japanese scientist invented monosodium glutamate, and since then food has become more delicious.

Disaster label: Sodium glutamate. MSG is a chemical seasoning. Its main component is sodium glutamate, which can be decomposed into an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human body. Excessive intake of MSG may lead to inhibition of various nerve functions in the human body, and symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and muscle spasms. Monosodium glutamate contains sodium, excessive intake may also lead to high blood pressure.

Experts Weapons: The original intention of MSG was understandable, but the current situation of use is too arbitrary and indeed worrying. Studies have suggested that the amount of MSG added to each dish should not exceed 0.5 mg. However, many sauces and sauces on the market, such as oyster sauce, curry and soy sauce, contain sodium glutamate. Therefore, when seasonings are added during cooking, MSG does not need to be released, and salt must be kept less. In addition, restaurants often add more MSG to ensure the taste of the dish. It is recommended to minimize the number of dining outs.

Third, canned meat products

In 1937, Spam luncheon meat came out. The annual sales volume in the UK alone reached 6 billion cans, which is enough to explain its popularity.

Disaster label: Nitrite. It is often used as a coloring agent and preservative for the processing of cooked meat, especially for canned meat products. Excessive intake of nitrite can cause food poisoning, headache, dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, long-term consumption may even cause cancer.

Experts Weapons: In fact, in addition to nitrite problems, salt, fat content is too high, vitamin B1 and other nutrients are the drawbacks of cooked meat products. Therefore, it is recommended to try not to buy canned meat products, buy less cooked meat, and eat more fresh, home-cooked meat.

Fourth, fried chicken

In 1952, Colonel Sanders’ first KFC restaurant opened in Utah, USA.

Disaster label: saturated fatty acids. The restaurant's fried foods, in order to ensure the taste, often choose palm oil and other high saturated fatty acid oils. Saturated fat is the enemy of cardiovascular disease because it can increase cholesterol and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes. When fried chicken, it is usually wrapped in a layer of paste, which will make people eat more fat. Frying food oil, usually use 5-7 days, repeated cooking will produce harmful substances. In addition, the loss of vitamins is also very serious after high-temperature cooking.

Experts Weapon: Eat fried foods, preferably with fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as: wolfberry, rape, cowpea, taro, hawthorn, winter jujube, kiwi and citrus fruits. Meat itself contains saturated fatty acids, so it is best to steam, stew, etc. to reduce its oil content.

Fifth, bowl of instant noodles

In 1971, bowls of instant noodles were born in Japan and were later introduced to other countries.

Disaster label: Polystyrene. Bowls of instant noodles usually contain polystyrene, which, when exposed to high temperatures above 65 degrees Celsius, can produce carcinogenic substances that pose a serious threat to human health. Bowl seasoned instant noodles also contain food additives and preservatives. In addition, its vitamin and mineral content is extremely low, while the sodium content is quite surprising. According to statistics, the salt content of a bowl of instant noodles is twice the daily maximum intake as stipulated by the United States House of Lords’ Special Committee on Nutrition. It contains about 1 gram of sodium glutamate.

Expert Weapon: Do not eat instant noodles. It's best not to buy a ready-to-eat bowl of noodles. It's best to cook when you eat. When eating noodles, it is best to mix vegetables and protein-rich foods such as: marinated eggs, dried tofu, cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. Just half of the seasoning is fine. If you eat bowls of instant noodles, it is best to change the soup.

Sixth, large cheeseburger

In 1960, a large cheeseburger named Ploughman's lunch by the British Cheese Association became popular.

Disaster label: bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is divided into high-density cholesterol and low-density cholesterol, the former has a protective effect on cardiovascular, usually called "good cholesterol"; the latter is high, the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will increase, usually called "bad cholesterol". Many domestic and foreign studies have confirmed that excessive intake of bad cholesterol in the human body can easily increase the risk of suffering from “three highs” (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia).

In addition to the above mentioned foods, there are four kinds of foods that are listed on the “black list” because they contain too much fat and cholesterol, which is a health hazard for human health. In 1933, Cheesesteak was born in the United States. The United Kingdom launched in 1982. Lymeswold cheese, the Deep-fried Mars Bar and the Quiche in 1995.

Expert Weapon: Egg, milk, and meat are usually high in cholesterol, and they should not be consumed in large quantities. When eating this kind of food, you should be careful with some foods rich in dietary fiber, such as: celery, carrots, beans, corn, oats and so on. Fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C and vitamin E content, such as citrus, kiwifruit, grapes, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, and cauliflower, can lower blood lipids and regulate lipid metabolism. In addition, a cup of tea is also a good choice, the tea pigment in tea can reduce the cholesterol level in the blood, prevent atherosclerosis and thrombosis, green tea is better than black tea.