Here we introduce 11 kinds of foods that not only enhance your appetite but also help increase sexual desire.
One, celery
However, when you think about sexuality, you may not think of celery for the first time, and you may not even think that it may be a magical food for irritability. This is because it contains a large number of androsterones, and then the odorless hormones are emitted, manifested by male sweating and feminine fanaticism.
How to enjoy this libido food: celery, best eaten raw. Wash hands and cut open the skin, then chews hard.
Second, students
This is a classic helper food. Raw oysters contain high zinc, which promotes the production of semen and testosterone. Oysters also contain dopamine, a well-known hormone that enhances libido. Try to incorporate it into your foreplay - you feed her and eat and let her feed you. This slippery taste and just the peeling process should give you two different moods.
How to enjoy this libido food: Wash its shell thoroughly and remove all soil and bacteria. Then pry them apart and place them on an ice bed. If you like, you can also squeeze some fresh lemons on top and then apply them to the skin.
Third, banana
Bananas contain Bromelain, which is believed to enhance male sexuality. In addition, it also contains potassium and vitamin B, which increases the overall energy level of the body.
How to enjoy this libido food: First, put them on a plate and peel it off in a variety of different ways. Then, let your partner slowly start eating it, and then you gobble it down Eat it all at once and start your next enjoyment after you finish eating.
Fourth, pear
Aztecs call pear trees ahuacatl or "testicle tree." Pears can indeed be expected to be part of the body. They contain high concentrations of folic acid that can help the metabolism of proteins and provide you with more energy. They also contain vitamin B6 (a nutrient that can increase androgenic hormones) and potassium (which can help regulate a woman's thyroid gland). These two basic components can enable both men and women to achieve sexual desire.
How to enjoy this erotic food: Cut it in half, use your fingers to pull it out, and then lick it with your partner to enjoy the delicious meal.
Five, almonds (or nuts in general)
Almonds are a major source of fatty acids and these are very important because they provide the hormones needed by the male body to ensure their health. In addition, the smell of almonds will arouse women's instinctive passion. Try to light some almond-flavored candles, stir up her emotions, and then enjoy yourself some almonds (but not too much) and provide yourself with the energy of a later sex life.
How to enjoy this libido food: Eat them raw (without salt or sugar). Or, crush some fresh almonds and sprinkle some salad on it to get you the energy you need.
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