In the process of flower growth, yellow leaves often appear, which is caused by imbalance of cultivation and management. Too little water, too much sunlight, too strong sunlight, too little fertilizer can cause yellowing of the leaves, but the situation of yellowing is not the same. Careful observation and analysis should be conducted to manage them in time. First, the leaves of yellow water are yellow and dull, and there is no obvious change in the old leaves. The branches are small yellow-green and the shoots are not shriveled, indicating excessive watering. Place the flowers in a ventilated and cool place and then put them back into the pot. Second, the dry yellow water shortage of yellow and watery yellow is not the same, the lack of water for the tip of the yellow leaves or edge dry, dry, old leaves from the bottom yellow withered, but the new leaf growth is more normal. Pay attention to watering and pouring when watering. Third, the strong yellow burning sun shines directly to some of the hi-flowers (such as spider plants, jade, etc.), easy to cause the leaves of the flowers, leaf margins dry, part of the sun appeared yellow spots. Move to the shade. Fourth, the lack of light yellow shaded environment for a long time, the leaves can not get enough sunlight, can not form chlorophyll, the whole plant leaves yellow and then fall off, add light to avoid the disease. Fifth, the yellow fertilizer caused by too much fertilizer or excessive concentration of yellow flowers, showed in the new leaf top dry brown, generally foliar hypertrophy and dull, and the bump does not stretch, the old yellow leaves fall off. The fertilization should be stopped immediately, and a large part of the fertilizer should be washed and washed seriously. Sixth, lack of fat yellow in the young leaves pale, yellow or light green, and the old leaves are more normal or gradually turn from green to yellow. Check the basin soil if there is dry phenomenon should change the soil, usually thin fertilizer applied and poured some drowning water.
Guava White Tea,White Tea Leaves,White Peach Tea,Silver Needle White Tea
Hunan Junshan Yinzhen Tea Industry Co.,Ltd ,