Cow yak from the birth to the weaning phase is born 3 months of age, rapid growth and development at this stage, but it is also a dangerous period for the growth and development of yak susceptible to disease, feeding and management is very important. Nursing includes the following three aspects: First, clear the mucous membrane After birth, first remove the mucus in your mouth and nose, such as calves have inhaled mucus, you can lift up the hind limbs, beat the chest, so that spit out mucus, and wipe the body with a cloth Mucus, wipe the mucus in the winter to prevent cold. Second, the broken umbilical cord automatically cut off, but also can be used to disinfect the scissors at 10 to 12 cm away from the umbilicus at the cut off, and disinfection with iodine to prevent inflammation. Third, the lactation of milk fed by colostrum cows within 5 to 7 days postpartum contains high levels of protein, especially rich in immunoglobulins, minerals, magnesium salts, and vitamin A. These substances excrete yak feces, The calves' immunity is greatly promoted. Within 1 hour after the calf's birth, it should be allowed to eat 2 liters of colostrum for 5 to 6 hours before allowing it to eat 2 liters of colostrum. The yak has just born to better absorb the immunoglobulin in colostrum. From 24 to 36 hours after birth, the immunoglobulin cannot be reabsorbed. For example, if you are born within 24 hours, you cannot eat colostrum. Yak is responsible for many pathogens. Loss of resistance, especially yak E. coli disease, can cause diarrhea and even death. Colostrum can be fed for 5 to 7 days. The daily dose is 1/8 to 1/6 of the body weight, 3 times a day, and the temperature is 36 to 38°C. Initially the yak will not drink milk in the barrel. The owner can guide the yak to suck the milk in the barrel. After 2 to 3 days of training, the yaks can suck their own milk. (1) One cow can produce about 100 kilograms of colostrum, while calves can drink 20 to 25 kilograms, and the remaining colostrum can be stored refrigerated. It can also be preserved by fermentation. (2) Fermentation colostrum method 1 Natural fermentation method. The colostrum is filtered into a clean bucket, covered with a lid, placed in a cool place in the room, naturally fermented in an environment below 20°C, the viscosity of the colostrum is large, and the clean wooden stick is used to stir 1 or 2 times per day to prevent coagulation. , generally 10 ~ 15 °C under 4 ~ 6 days, 15 ~ 20 °C under 2 ~ 3 days can be fermented, can be used for 30 to 40 days. People who have expired or have bad smell do not feed it again. 2 acid fermentation method. When the temperature exceeds 20°C, 1% propionic acid or acetic acid or formic acid can be added to colostrum, and 0.1% formalin can also be added to make the same as natural fermentation. It can be stored for 2 weeks at temperatures above 25°C. The prepared fermented colostrum is slightly yellow, has lactic acid smell and is bean curd. After the fermentation of colostrum, the dry matter and the main components were reduced to varying degrees, but the total number of bacteria increased by 15.6 times. Among them, Lactobacillus streptococci, which is mainly beneficial to calves, was able to suppress harmful bacteria by entering into the intestine, causing yak to squat. Obviously reduced, body size and weight are also generally higher or lower than those of calves bred from conventional milk, and the cost is reduced. (3) When fed, dilute with 2~3 colostrum plus 1 part of water and feed the same amount as regular milk.
Fertilizer pump mounted directly on the pipe, the kinetic energy of pipe flow to drives the pump to work at a set ratio to suck high erconcentration drug or quantitative fertilizer in to the pump. After mixed with the water and delivered to downstream. No matter How to change the water pressure, Drug or fertilizer will be mixed and discharged according to a certain proportion.
Greenhouse Automatic Proportional Pump
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