Summer soybean high-yielding cultivation techniques

Soybean is not only a food crop, but also an industrial raw material and feed crop. Its nutritional value is second only to meat, milk, and eggs. Its protein content is as high as 40%. Its branches and leaves can also be used for fertilizing land to cultivate land. Summer soybean high yield cultivation techniques are as follows
1.Selected varieties: select seeds with high yield, stable yield, high quality, strong stress resistance, wide adaptability, high yield potential, and variety standardization, such as Xudou 9, Zhonghuang 13, Hedou 1, Yudou 22, 25 and so on. Seed purity is not less than 98%, germination rate is above 85%, and sowing is done after selection treatment.
2. Formula fertilization: Mushi organic fertilizer (2000 kg) 30-40 kg of phosphate fertilizer, urea 10 kg (of which the base fertilizer accounted for 60% of the total, flowering chase 40%), potassium potassium sulphate Mushi 10 kg, boron Molybdenum, zinc, and other micro-fertilizers are suitable for foliar application, and fertilization is based on base fertilizers.
3. Seedlings after plate hoeing or shallow rotary ploughing: elimination of weeds in the field and timely extermination of maggots. It is best to use a rotary cultivator in combination with the base fertilization and rotary ploughing, or sowing with a rake. When sowing, apply compound fertilizer such as diammonium phosphate per acre. - 30 kg.
4. timely early sowing: timely sowing, can increase soy protein content. The suitable moisture content for soybean sowing is 19%-20%. If there is a lack of sensation, it should be made or rain robbed sowing; excessive water, it should be appropriate after sowing. The sowing depth is the same, generally 3-5 cm. Seeds are distributed evenly and sown as soon as possible, no later than June 25.
5. The following species are planted on the soil: soil moisture content is 70-80% of the field water capacity, so as to ensure that all seedlings are seeded and seedlings are seedlings.
6. Precision metering: The use of precision on demand, uniform seeding or machine seeding, sowing spacing 25-40 cm; or width and width line planting, wide line 50 cm, narrow line 25 cm, sowing depth 3-4 cm, after sowing Flat cover soil protection, and timely spraying with a closed herbicide to prevent weeds at seedling stage.
7. Seedling period (mid-June to mid-July, about 20 days): time and seedlings are required. The seedlings refer to the seedlings and then remove the excess seedlings and remove weak seedlings and diseased seedlings. Ding seedlings refer to the last time the seedlings are planted according to the predetermined line spacing and number of seedlings left. Intermittent seedlings usually 2-3 times. Soybean thinning can generally increase production by 15%-20% compared with non-slow-seedlings, especially in the years when the planting volume is large, the soil is fertile, and rain is more abundant. Soybean seedlings should be sooner rather than later, generally after the soybean cotyledons are exposed on the ground and the cotyledons are opened. Deep cultivating and weeding can reduce the consumption of soil nutrients by weeds. At the same time, it can cut off the soil capillaries, protect the drought, loosen the soil and promote the development of the root system, and has the effect of cutting root control. Pay attention to control of bean fly, aphids, and spider mites.
8. Flowering stage (July, late, mid-August, mid-Autumn, about 20-30 days): It is the period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and the most vigorous growth period in soybean life. It requires a lot of nutrients and water. Watering in a timely manner to prevent drought and increase flowering and soil conservation requires the soil moisture to be no less than 75-85% of the field capacity, combined with watering, topdressing urea 3-4 kg per acre. At the same time, attention was paid to the control of pod moths, bridge-building insects, bean pods and borerworms.
9. Gulling period (August, Mid-September, mid-September, about 35-40 days): To fill high-yield water, the main task is to use water to regulate fertilizers, and to protect the leaves from premature aging. Rational irrigation, drought relief. Pre-granules require the soil moisture to be maintained at about 70%-80% of the maximum water capacity in the field, lower than this index, timely irrigation, do not wait until the leaves are wilting before irrigation. After heavy rain storms, drainage should be drained in time to prevent poor ventilation of the soil and affect normal development. At the same time, do a good job of foliar spray fertilizer in order to benefit the soybean grains. We must continue to prevent and control pod moths, bridge-building moths, etc., and protect the foliage from damage.
10. Mature period (mid-September and mid-September): timely harvest, harvested at the end of ripening of high-protein soybean yellow to maturity, at this time, all stems and pods turn yellow, and grains harden, and the neutron-neutron grains detach from the moltings, and the plants are shaken. There is a ringing sound. After harvesting threshing, promptly dry it and store it after the moisture content of the granule drops to 13%.

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