Soymilk slimming beans knowledge
Soybean contains soy protein and isoflavones, which can effectively prevent obesity. At the same time, low-calcium is rich in various nutrients needed by the body, and it is definitely a good helper for losing weight.
What is the principle of soybean weight loss? In soybean-enriched vegetable proteins, peptides can lower serum cholesterol and accelerate fat burning. In addition, soybean lecithin is a good catalyst for the production of good cholesterol in the body.
There are many kinds of soymilk, purely made of soybeans and water is made without adjustment soymilk; soy milk and soymilk sold in the market added sugar, known as adjustment of soymilk; and that kind of added various flavors such as sesame, matcha, etc. Belong to soy milk drinks; there is also a soy milk product as a health product.
And we produce this banana milk drink, you need high soymilk concentration of soybeans, the general choice of no adjustment or adjustment of soymilk soy milk, if the conditions, then use their own soybeans into the non-added soy milk is certainly the healthiest!
Banana slimming beans knowledge
Sweet bananas may be considered high calorie foods. Because the sugar contained in banana is divided into glucose, fructose, sucrose and other complex sugars, glucose is absorbed into the body and converted into energy, while fructose and sucrose are slowly converted into energy, and the duration is quite long.
In fact, each banana contains only 86 calories, which is quite low. As a low-calorie food and a satiety banana, but also help the discharge of toxins from the body, so Xiaobian suggested that bananas should not eat too much, one or two roots a day enough to supply energy, after eating, to thoroughly exercise, the energy Consumed, there will be no accumulation!
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