Feeding management technology for newborn piglets

1 Primary period

1.1 Measures to increase the birth weight of piglets In recent years, the birth weight of piglets produced in some high-level sow farms in our province has generally remained at 1.4-1.5kg/head. To achieve this level, a series of work has to be done. First of all, we must start with the cultivation of gilts. In the "dual" sow breeding ground, select individuals with long body, thick limbs, wide lumbosacral, and more than 7 teats as gilts, and strictly abide by "feeding until 8 months of age, weighing over 110kg, and estrus twice. After the third estrus breeding" principle. The gilts were given JE vaccine 2 times and parvovirus 2 times before 30 days of breeding. Within 30 days after mating, the feed nutrient level was restricted and 30 days later, the normal nutritional needs of pregnant sows were fed. 30-80 days, according to the sow's limosis, the average feed intake increased to 2.5kg/(head-day); the lean, partial-fat diet can be appropriately added or reduced according to the actual situation, but The amount of feed is guaranteed at 1.6 to 3.0 kg/day. After 80 days, the intake of sows is increased to ensure that 2.8-3.0 kg/head per day. Attention should be paid to calcium and phosphorus supplements and the balance of nutrients in the feed, as long as a balanced moisture condition can be achieved. The late period of sow pregnancy is the critical period of fetal weight gain. 2/3 of the weight of newborn baby is increased during this period. Therefore, the key to improving primary birth weight is to do a good job of feeding and management of sows at this stage. In the late pregnancy, sows can increase the amount of feed, but should not avoid over-feeding in order to pursue the birth weight, this will cause the fetus is too large to cause dystocia, especially the birth of sows are likely to cause fetal death and cause great losses. Sows are cleaned, disinfected and transferred to the delivery room 1 week before the due date.

1.2 Feeding and Management of Newborn Piglets The key technology for newborns is delivery, ensuring that piglets have colostrum, fixed teats, cold and warmth, pressure prevention, disease prevention, and feeding and management of nursing sows.

1.2.1 After the birth of a piglet, dry the nose, mouth, and body mucus in time, cut the umbilical cord (3 to 5 cm in length and sterilize with iodine), and place it in the incubator. Immediately after the end of the delivery, remove the placental clothing and the contaminated bedding to prevent the sow from eating the placenta and develop the filth of the piglet. If the contaminated grass bedding is not removed, the dirt will cause the growth of pathogenic microorganisms to multiply and spread odors, which will threaten the health of the piglets.

1.2.2 Ensure that piglets eat milk from colostral sows divided into colostrum and regular milk. Colostrum is mainly secreted by milk within 24 hours after farrowing, thicker than regular milk, rich in protein and immunoglobulin (including: LgG, LgA and LgM, minerals, vitamins, can improve the disease resistance of piglets, is breast-feeding Piglets are indispensable nutrients.

When piglets are born, there are no immune antibodies in the body, lack of immunity, and low disease resistance. This is because immune antibodies are a macromolecular substance. Due to the particularity of pig placenta construction - the sow's blood vessels and fetal blood vessels are separated from the placenta by 6-7 layers of tissue (known as the placental barrier), thus limiting sows The antibody enters the fetus. In the first 2 hours of piglets, the villous epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa are in the original state, and the immunoglobulin in the colostrum can be absorbed into the blood through the intestinal wall, and the immunity in the body is rapidly enhanced. At 36 to 72 hours after birth, intestinal permeability changes, absorption capacity decreases, and the duration of maintenance of immunoglobulin in colostrum is very short. After 3 days, the immune substances that the piglets can absorb are minimized. Piglets produce autoimmune antibodies only after 10 days of age, but at a slower rate. Therefore, letting newborn piglets eat colostrum is an important measure to enhance the disease resistance of piglets. In addition, the magnesium salts contained in colostrum have a laxative effect and can promote meconium discharge; the content of iron and vitamins A and D is also more than 5 times that of conventional milk. Therefore, colostrum is an irreplaceable food for newborn piglets. If the piglet needs to be breast-fed or fostered for some reason, it should try its best to get colostrum for 2 to 3 days.

1.2.3 Fixed teat piglets have the habit of fixing their own teats after birth, but some piglets are not fixed to the right nipples for various reasons, and often the nipples with more milk are grabbed by the stronger piglets. Therefore, in order to make the piglets grow evenly and live fully, it is necessary to artificially fix the teats. Before the suckling pig is born for the first time, the fixed nipple must be adjusted according to individual conditions and the order of delivery. The difference in individual piglets produced by general young sows is not significant, as long as they are arranged in order from the last effective nipple forward according to the principle of “first birth”. However, some sows have irregular breast development and individual piglets have large differences. Therefore, the first-born piglets should be selected according to the principle of “majority after retirement”, and the poorly-selected piglets should be selected with the nipples with better breast development and more milk. After the ordering is completed, the teats are numbered with the corresponding piglet. The number of the sow's teat is hung on the wall corresponding to the field in a schematic manner. The piglets are marked on the back with their corresponding nipple numbers. In this way, every time when feeding, we must pay attention to the piglet and the teat to the seat, insist for 3 days, the work of fixing the teat is basically over.

1.2.4 Insulation antifreeze, anti-pressure, and disease prevention Because the body temperature regulation function of piglets is not sound at birth, it is particularly sensitive to low temperatures. Therefore, insulation and antifreeze work must be done during production. The heat preservation and heatstroke prevention equipment should be installed in the farrowing pens (localities can adjust and install the equipment according to different climatic conditions; although the cold-proof and warm-keeping work of the piglets is the key, the effects of excessive temperature cannot be ignored). In the specific warming work, special attention should be paid to the warming work of piglets within 7 days of age, because the external temperature and the temperature of the sow's body are greatly different, and the body temperature regulation function of the piglets within 7 days is not perfect. The temperature of the incubator must be maintained at about 32°C and thereafter lowered by 2°C per week until 22°C.

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