Which fruits and vegetables can not eat with skin

Many people think that there are a lot of nutrients in the skin of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, any fruits and vegetables will be eaten by the skin. However, some fruits and vegetables will easily cause disease or poisoning when taken. Therefore, these fruits and vegetables should be avoided.

Potato skin

Potato skin contains "glycoalkaloids", which can cause poisoning when accumulated in the body. Because the poisoning caused by it is a chronic poisoning, the symptoms are not obvious and therefore often overlooked.

Potato roast beef, due to the different stomach acid concentrations required for digestion of these two foods, will prolong the residence time of food in the stomach, and elongate the time of gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, causing gastrointestinal discomfort.

Persimmon skin

When the persimmon is immature, tannic acid is mainly present in the persimmon, and the mature tannin is concentrated in the persimmon. After the tannic acid enters the human body, under the action of stomach acid, it will cooperate with the protein in the food to form a sediment - persimmon stone, causing a variety of diseases.

Sweet potato skin

Sweet potato skin contains more alkali, excessive consumption can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. The brown and dark brown spots of sweet potato skin are infected by "black spot pathogen" and can produce "sweet potato ketone" and "sweet potato keto". Entering the human body will damage the liver and cause poisoning. Poisoning light, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cases can lead to high fever, headache, wheezing, convulsions, vomiting blood, coma, and even death.


Commonly found in paddy fields, alfalfa can accumulate harmful and toxic biological excreta and chemicals. In addition, parasites are also contained in the fleas. If unwashed fleas are eaten, they can cause diseases.

Ginkgo skin

The skin contains toxic substances such as "gluconic acid", "hydrogenated ginkgoic acid", "hydrogenated ginkgo citric acid" and "glycol". When entering the human body, it damages the central nervous system and causes poisoning. In addition, cooked ginkgo meat should not eat too much.

Cosmetic Raw Material

Cosmetics are compound mixtures made of various raw materials through reasonable deployment and processing. Cosmetics have a wide variety of raw materials with different properties. This category includes varities of cosmetic raw materials, which are usually divided into general base raw materials according to the effects: Anti-Aging , Anti-Oxidant, Skin Moisturizing, Skin Whitening, etc.

Cosmetic Raw Material,Glutathione Food Grade, Skin Whitening Material, Anti-Aging

Hunan Insen Biotech Co., Ltd , https://www.insenhealth.com