To harvest onions that are stored for storage, choose yellow-skinned individuals, oblately round individuals, large individuals with strong spicy taste, low moisture content, and tiny bulbs on the neck. One or two leaves in the lowest part of the onion plant are dry and on the ground. The harvest is better when some of them begin to fall. Drying should be done promptly after harvesting. Method: Arrange the onion plants diagonally so that the stems and leaves of the rear row just cover the onion heads of the previous row to prevent the onions from being directly exposed to sunlight. During the drying period, it is turned every 2 or 3 days and it is dried until the leaves turn yellow. One of the storage methods is hanging storage method. After drying, the onion leaves are braided into scorpions, and the scorpions are combined into bundles. Each bundle contains about 60 onions, and then it is allowed to air for 5 to 6 days (preventing rain). After the onions are fully dried, the necks are completely transformed into cortex. It is hung under the roof or indoors. If it is indoor, the hangar room requires good ventilation and is kept dry. The second is the heap method. Choose high-drain, well-drained areas, first use straw or wheat straw pad bottom, then add two layers of lu seat, and then after the leaves will be onion piled on the reed seats, surrounded by lushi fence, and tied with a rope to avoid sunlight Direct sunlight or rain infiltration. The third is the reservoir method. With constant temperature storage, onions can be removed and stored directly on the shelf. Precautions Regardless of the method used for storage, care should be taken to prevent onion rot and sprouting. Onions are easily rotted in the early stage of storage, so they must be kept dry; they can germinate later in storage, and can be sprayed with 0.25 percent solution of fresh solution two to three weeks prior to harvest, or 0.25% after harvest. Fresh vegetarian roots.