First, how to buy thresher The first step is to find out whether there are high-quality brand-name products in the purchased models. The selection should start with the highest-received product. The higher the winning product, the higher the quality in general. 2. Detailed inspection of the inside and outside of the machine, whether the welding site and the lack of open places, whether the various parts of the deformation or fracture damage and other issues. 3. Check whether the bolts of each connecting part of the machine are installed properly, and whether the installation of each transmission wheel, tensioning wheel, and the wheel-end fixing nut and wheel inner key is complete and reliable. 4. Rotate the threshing roller and other moving parts to check for stuck or collision phenomena, and if the operation is smooth and flexible, there is no abnormal noise in the bearing. 5. Check whether the anti-rust paint on each part of the machine is even and smooth, whether there is flaking and serious scratches, and whether the parts are rusted due to poor paint quality. 6. Open the random instructions, open the attachment box, and carefully verify that the accessories are complete and in good condition. If any problems are found, promptly report to the sales organization. 7. After the thresher has been bought back, it must first be commissioned and tested off, and then officially put into operation. When conducting trial operation and trial and tear off, it is necessary to carefully observe the working conditions of various parts and find out that the problem should be shut down and checked in time. If it is a product quality problem, it should be contacted by the sales unit to the manufacturer. If the quality is still not up to the requirements after repair, it should be Replace or return. Second, how to maintain the thresher Operation maintenance 1 Always pay attention to whether the machine's rotation speed, sound, and temperature are normal. Every time one type or one day of operation is finished, it is necessary to stop the inspection of whether the bearings are overheated or not, and whether the fastening screws or key pins are loose and abnormalities should be promptly eliminated. 2 When powered by a diesel engine, the exhaust pipe and the fire extinguishing cover should be cleaned daily to avoid serious carbon deposition, affecting the exhaust and fire extinguishing performance; when the motor is powered, the motor should be covered with a stalk in the hot noon to prevent the motor Heated by the sun. 3 It is necessary to regularly check the degree of tension of each drive belt and the clearance of each matching part is appropriate, and should be adjusted in time. 4 When working in the rainy season, it is necessary to regularly clean the dust on the cover of the machine, the debris and rollers, and the debris on the screen surface of the sliding plate, etc., and the bonded dirt to prevent rusting of the parts after the accumulation of water. 5 After each operation, conditions should be stored in the warehouse or factory shed. When stored outdoors, cover with tarpaulin or plastic sheeting to prevent the machine from getting damp or rain. 2. Sealing period maintenance The thresher should be sealed immediately after the threshing season. The following work should be done during storage: 1 Clean dust and dirt inside and outside the machine; debris such as stalks and husks should be cleaned. 2 Apply antirust oil to the surfaces of unpainted metal parts such as drive pulleys and thresher rollers. Place paint, such as racks, covers, etc. 3 Remove the motor, drive belt and other accessories and keep it together with other accessories. 4 Place the machine in a dry warehouse or a factory shed. When conditions permit, it is best to use a sleeper to padded it with a tarpaulin to prevent the machine from being exposed to moisture, sunlight and rain. 5 Prior to use in the next year, the thresher should be thoroughly cleaned and overhauled. All bearing seat covers should be opened, oil and debris should be removed, and the lubricant should be re-applied and the worn and deformed parts replaced. When replacing the roller bar, pay attention to group by weight, install according to the weight plus balance pad to keep the roller balance. When replacing an individual profile, it is important not only to pay attention to the balance, but also to operate the roller with minimum radial runout by properly adjusting the thickness of the gasket. After the parts are replaced or repaired, the connecting bolts must be fastened as required. 6 For long-distance transportation, the thresher should be installed in the vehicle; for short-distance transportation, the transport wheel should be refueled. The speed of transportation must not exceed 5 km/h. Third, why is it strictly prohibited threshing machine speeding, threshing machine power should be strictly in accordance with the instructions and nameplate requirements with power, its speed should meet the requirements of the specification, unqualified to adjust the diameter of the pulley. If the rotation speed is high, it will easily cause the fracture of the pattern bar and the explosion of the roller. Therefore, the threshing machine is prohibited from speeding.