Tree seed maturation and seed collection method

At present, it is time for the tree seeds to enter the mature and seed collection stage. The maturity of the seeds must be correctly judged before the harvest can be determined. The harvesting method also determines the commerciality and utilization of the seeds. The determination of seed maturity includes both physiological and morphological maturation.

Physiological maturity When seed nutrition accumulates to a certain extent, seed embryos or seeds have the ability to germinate, they are called "physiological maturation." At this point, the seeds have high water content, nutrients are in a free state, and the seed coat is not dense, which is not conducive to water loss. At this time, the seeds collected are rapidly shrinking, which is not conducive to storage and will soon lose their ability to germinate. But for some deep dormancy, that is, dormancy period is very long and it is not easy to break dormant species, such as eucalyptus, ash, etc., can use physiological dormant seeds, sowing immediately after harvest, can shorten the dormancy period and increase the germination rate.

Morphological maturity When the seeds complete the embryonic development process and end the nutrient accumulation, the water content is reduced, and the nutrients change from the easily soluble state to the insoluble fats, proteins and starches. The respiration is weak and the seed coat is compact and solid. Seeds outside the mature characteristics, known as "morphological maturity." Most of the seeds matured earlier and their morphology matured later. Some tree species are almost at the same time, such as drought willow, white peony and so on. There are still a few seeds that mature after maturity, such as ginkgo, and this phenomenon is called "physiological after-ripening."

The methods commonly used for seed collection vary according to the size of the seed, the habits and timing of the shedding after maturity, and the methods of seed collection are generally the following:

Ground harvesting large grain seeds can be picked up from the ground, such as oak, walnut, chestnut and so on. Before the seeds are harvested, the ground weeds are removed to collect the seeds.

Harvesting from trees is the most common method. Seeds with small grains and falling off easily after being blown off by the wind, such as poplar, willow, sassafras, birch, larch, etc., seeds that are not easily collected from the ground after ripening should be taken on trees, such as conifers, hedgehogs, etc.

It is the most economical method to collect seed from harvesting wood and combine harvesting work, especially for tree species that are not easy to fall off after the seed matures, such as spruce, eucalyptus, etc., but this method can only be used when the mature period is consistent with the harvesting period.

Collect water-borne species such as alder, eucalyptus, etc. from the water. Seeds often float on the water surface after ripening and can be collected on the water surface.

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