Morphological characteristics
Tian Kui, perennial herb, high 10-30cm. Root length 1-2cm, thick 3-6mm, brown skin black. Stems erect, 1--3, upper branches, sparsely white pilose. Basal leaves are three compound leaves; petiole 3-12 cm in length, base expanded to assume a sheath; leaf contour oval or kidney-shaped, long 1.2-3cm; leaflet fan-shaped diamond or obovate diamond, 0.6-2.5cm long, Width 1-2.8cm, 3 deep, deep lobes and 2-3 scalloped nicks, both sides glabrous, often purple below; stem leaves smaller, alternate, petiole short. Unilobular or dichasium cymes, pedicel 1--2.5 cm long, white minutely pilose; bracts, petioli, 3-lobed or indehiscent; flowers bisexual, small, diam. 4-6; sepals 5, petals Shaped, narrowly elliptic, 4-6mm long, 1.2-2.5mm wide, white, often lavender, apex rounded; petals 5, spoon-shaped, 2.5-3.5mm long, apex nearly truncate, base bulging Stamens 8-14, filaments broadened at lower part, anthers broadly elliptic, yellow; staminodes 2, linear-lanceolate, inside stamens, white membranous, nearly as long as filaments; carpels 3-4, style Short, apex outward rewind, hairless. Fruit 3-4, long 6-7mm, width 2mm, surface with horizontal veins, a small end. Most of the seeds, oval-shaped oval, about 1mm long, dark brown, the surface of small nodules.
Sun-Shading Net is a series of colored shade nets with special optical properties which improve the utilization of solar radiation by agricultural crops. This technology promotes differential stimulation of desirable physiological responses, which determine the commercial value of each crop. This is an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to current labor-consuming methods (such as pruning and thinning) and intensive use of growth regulators and other chemicals. ChromatiNet enables growers to control vegetative growth characteristics, such as leaf size, branch length and plant height in plants, as well as the rate of maturation and flowering. This enables adaptation to market preferences, with clear economic advantages.
Greenhouse Sun-Shading System can reduce solar load, and cool down the inside temperature and create a comfortable environment for the plants.
Greenhouse Sun-Shading System,Greenhouse Shade Netting,Greenhouse Shade Cloth,Greenhouse Shading