Spring soybeans how to fertilize

In the spring soybean plants 15-20 cm high, 6-8 large leaves, the roots to apply a fertilizer, complete with nitrogen and phosphorus potassium fertilizer, and then appropriate to add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Per acre nitrogen and phosphorus potassium (15-15-15) compound fertilizer 40-50 kg, 15-20 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Mix the fertilizer thoroughly and apply it evenly to the soil between the rows of spring soybeans. Then use a spade or shovel to gently turn the topsoil. In this way, the spring beans grow robustly, have many buds, have high scab rates, and have full pods and a significant increase in yield.

Knee Walker

AFFORDABLE MOBILITY SOLUTION: Knee Rover Economy Knee Scooter walker is ideal recovering from a broken foot, broken ankle, broken leg, foot surgery, or ankle surgery.
EXCELLENT CRUTCH ALTERNATIVE: More comfortable and stable than crutches, this affordable knee walker is made for both indoor and outdoor use, with four wheels for easy steering and balance.
STABILITY AND CONTROL: These easy to maneuver steerable knee scooter walkers feature four 8" PVC wheels, Dual adjustable locking handbrakes and dual rear on-wheel brakes.
FULLY ADJUSTABLE AND COMPACT: The Economyknee scooter walker also features handlebars with a quick release folding mechanism for easy transport and storage. Kneewalker has handlebars and padded knee platform that easily adjust for a comfortable fit.
LIGHTWEIGHT AND DURABLE: This steerable knee walker is lightweight and offers a robust 300 lb. weight capacity. The Economy knee scooter is recommended for individuals with heights 4' 9" to 6' 6". Perfect for adults. Adjust the knee platform so that yourinjured leg is supported at a 90 degree angle when standing

knee scooter walker,Knee Cart,seated knee walker,Knee Roller Walker,steerable knee walker

Foshan Oscar Medical Instrument CO.,LTD , https://www.fsoscarmed.com