Herbicides need attention

Herbicide varieties selected for the different herbicide species due to different characteristics of the role of control objects, it should be based on crop species and field weed occurrence, distribution and community composition, etc., select the appropriate herbicide species.

Determine the dosage to determine the best dosage per unit area based on herbicide species characteristics, weed growth status, climatic conditions and soil properties.

The sprayer should be adjusted well before spraying with the best use technology to achieve uniform spray, no heavy spray, no leak spray. In particular, the flow rate of each nozzle should be the same so that the sprayer is in optimal working condition.

Do a good job spraying plan should be based on the size of the plot area, crops and weeds, discharge the spraying sequence.

Pay attention to the rotation of varieties If a single herbicide species is used in successive years, the weed community is prone to succession, and it will gradually develop drug resistance. Therefore, in combination with crop types and rotation types, herbicides of different types and varieties should be alternately used.

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