1. Five-flavor ginger processing method First, fresh ginger is peeled and washed, and then a layer of ginger is put into the jar (about 15kg to 17.5kg of salt for 50kg ginger) and poured into cold water. After soaking for 15 days, the ginger husk is picked up and dried until it reaches 80% dry. 0.2 kg of citric acid, 5 kg of licorice water and 10 g of food red are added per 50 kg of finished product. Citric acid is used to make water. When mixing, mix the ginger biscuits and various ingredients evenly, put them in the jar for two days, turn them once a day, and put them out in the sun on the third day, or in the oven, roast them until they reach 80% dry, and sieve the crushed slags as finished products. . 2. Sugar ginger processing method (1) ingredients ginger 5kg, alum 125g, sugar 2.5kg. (2) Make the prepared ginger pieces soaked in the alum water. The alum water should be 1cm high, ginger, soaked for 8h to 10h, washed with clean water, filtered, and put in a clean wok. The frying ginger wok must be thoroughly washed with caustic water, otherwise the resulting sugar ginger is black. Drain the dried ginger pieces into the pan, and pour the sugar into the pan. Stir the pan with the fire. The pan will have a lot of moisture, and do not pour the water out. When cooking, special attention should be paid to the fact that when water is used for a long time, the firepower is increased. When the water is low, the firepower is small. The more the water is fried, the less the firepower is reduced. When the ginger is fried, the ginger slices in the pot do not leave the fire when they do not drip. Continue to turn the ginger to separate and overlay the ginger and then dry for 2 days. The sweet and sour sugar tablets made in this manner are palatable, crispy and translucent. After the sugar ginger slices are prepared, they are sealed in plastic bags and stored in the dry place. They can be stored for 1 year. China Agricultural Network Editor