13 benefits of eating sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in various vitamins, dietary fiber, starch, potassium, calcium and other substances, have a high nutritional value, at noon to eat sweet potatoes can play its greatest effect, then, what are the benefits of eating sweet potatoes? Take a look at the 13 benefits of eating sweet potatoes below.


Sweet potato eats best for the body at noon

Sweet potatoes lack protein and lipids, so they must be eaten together with vegetables, fruits, and protein foods to prevent nutritional imbalance.

Sweet potatoes are best eaten at this prime time of lunch. This is because after we have eaten sweet potatoes, the calcium contained in them needs to be absorbed within 4 to 5 hours in the human body, and the afternoon sun exposure can just promote the absorption of calcium.

When you eat sweet potatoes at lunch, the calcium can be fully absorbed before dinner, and it will not affect the absorption of calcium in other foods during dinner.

1, beneficial to lose weight

The intake of modern people's oil, meat, and eggs is high, and the amount of exercise is small. It is easy to become obese and cause "rich people's disease". The characteristics of low fat, low heat production and strong satiety of sweet potato are in line with the basic requirements of dieters.

Each 100 grams of fresh sweet potato contains only 0.2 grams of fat, which produces 99 kcal of calories, which is about 1/3 of that of rice. Therefore, it is a good low-fat, low-calorie food. If it is used as a staple food, it can effectively reduce the consumption of other foods. Amount, and then achieve the effect of weight loss.

In addition, sweet potatoes can effectively prevent sugar from becoming fat, which is good for bodybuilding.

2, sweet potato beauty

Beauty and Beauty: Sweet potatoes contain substances that are similar to estrogens, and have the function of keeping the skin delicate, reducing the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, emollient, anti-wrinkle, and beauty.

Fitness Aging: It contains a variety of vitamins, proteins, lysine and other nutrients can improve the body's immune system, are the treasure of longevity, can make people prolong life.

Slimming: Coarse grains are rich in dietary fiber, and after entering the intestines, they can clean up the waste in the intestine and collect the toxins and wastes, allowing them to be excreted smoothly.

Sweet potatoes are also rich in dietary fiber, and vitamins are particularly high in quantity, producing new cells in the intestines and boosting metabolism.

3, anti-cancer anti-cancer

Sweet potato extract can effectively inhibit colon cancer and breast cancer; cooked sweet potato has a higher cancer inhibition rate than raw sweet potato.

4, to prevent excessive cholesterol

Sweet potato inhibits cholesterol by 10 times that of other foods. So, if you have high cholesterol, you can eat two sweet potatoes.

5, control blood sugar

The study found that patients with type 2 diabetes have improved their insulin sensitivity after taking white sweet potato extract, which helps control blood sugar.

6, assist in lowering blood pressure

The auxiliary antihypertensive effect of sweet potato is mainly attributed to the rich potassium. Because potassium and sodium are important elements influencing blood pressure, if the body's intake of potassium is sufficient, it will promote the excretion of excess sodium; the consumption of potassium-rich foods will also promote the balance of minerals in the body, and finally To a certain auxiliary antihypertensive effect.

7, reduce the risk of stroke

Sweet potato is absolutely the king of "high potassium and low sodium". Studies have found that potassium-rich foods such as sweet potatoes can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

8, conservation joints

Sweet potatoes are rich in mucin and have certain benefits for curing joints.

9, cure constipation

Constipation is a symptom of many diseases, not a disease. The common symptom is that the frequency of defecation is significantly reduced, once every 2 to 3 days or longer, and there is no regularity and the feces are hard and dry. Long-term constipation will affect the operation of the spleen and stomach, resulting in abnormal conduction of the large intestine, resulting in accumulation of large amounts of toxins, and secondary symptoms such as gastrointestinal discomfort, bad breath, and pigmentation. Chinese medicine believes that constipation is mostly caused by internal heat and qi stagnation, and should be devoid of heat and phlegm. Therefore, the elimination of constipation requires fundamental treatment of the body before it can be eradicated, and must not be eager to achieve the use of some drugs for gastrointestinal irritation.

Treatment side: 250 grams of sweet potato leaves, refueling, salt fry, once eaten, 2 times a day, can cure constipation. Another will be broken sweet potato leaves, brown sugar, paste navel, can cure stool is unreasonable.

10, treatment of nocturnal emission

A physiological phenomenon refers to the fact that semen does not leak out due to sexual intercourse. There is a difference between physiological and pathological conditions. Chinese medicine refers to spermatozoa self-preservation phenomenon as spermatorrhea or degeneracy. There are dreams and survivors are called "dreams", no dream and left, even when conscious semen slipped out as "slippery." More than by the Kidney deficiency is not solid, or the heart and kidney do not pay, or hot and humid bet.

Treatment side: Daily morning and evening transfer sweet potato powder can cure nocturnal emission.

11, rule accumulation

The palliative paediatric syndrome was mainly manifested by Shen Wei, pale yellow lean, hair scorch, big belly tendon dew, and poor appetite delirium. More common in children aged 1 to 5 years. Hoarding is caused by improper diet, improper feeding of milk and food, damage of the spleen and stomach, miscarriage of work, lack of nutrition, subtle blood and blood can not support the organs, or chronic illnesses such as chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, and intestinal parasites. Damage caused by the spleen and stomach.

Therapeutic side: fresh sweet potato leaves 90-120 grams, boiled clothes, can cure children's hoarding.

12, cure diabetes

Diabetes is the disease name of Chinese traditional medicine and refers to comprehensive syndromes characterized by multiple drinks, more urine, more food and weight loss, fatigue, and urine and sweetness. The main features of laboratory tests are high blood sugar and urine sugar. The main lesions in the lungs, stomach, kidneys, the basic pathogenesis of Yinjin depletion, excessive heat.

Therapeutic side: amount of dried sweet potato vines, Shuijianbi, can cure diabetes.

13, cure hot and humid jaundice

Hot and humid jaundice, belong to the range of Yang Huang. Due to the feeling of exogenous evils, there is damp heat, invading the liver and gallbladder, bile fluid leakage, and extravasation of the skin. Zheng Jian fever, dry mouth and less drink, body, eyes were orange, yellow tea, such as urine juice, urinary tract burning sensation, unfavorable, loss of appetite, abdominal distension bulging, greasy tongue coating, pulse like a few strings.

Therapeutic side: sweet potato cooking, can cure hot and humid jaundice.

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