Fish may have floating heads, frostbite, and even death during wintering. The reason is mainly related to the status of the fish itself and its management.
The status of wintering aquaculture management measures: The physical and health status of the fish itself is the key to surviving winter survival rates. At low temperatures, fat in muscle is the main source of energy consumed. Therefore, factors that cause poor physical fitness, such as low fullness and inadequate fat deposition in the early stage, can cause overwintering obstacles. The health status of fish is mainly determined by the resistance between the organism itself and the game between pathogens. During the overwintering period, secondary bacterial infections caused by the secondary infection of water mold and parasites due to mechanical damage of the fish body after the netting are easy to occur.
Feeding and management: on the one hand, the fish nutrition is not enhanced or the food is stopped prematurely before winter, so that the fish can not reach a proper fatness, and does not have a good physical foundation; on the other hand, the water temperature does not maintain a high water level, change the temperature difference If the aerator is turned on more than 3 degrees and not at the right time, the water temperature may be reduced, resulting in the fish being frozen or frozen.
Winter farming management measures are as follows:
A. Feeding strong physique: Feeding high-quality feed before winter helps improve the survival rate of overwintering; During the winter, when it is sunny, feed a little feed to enhance the fish's constitution.
B. Prevent Diseases and Protect Health: Add the immune enhancer in the feed formulation and observe and deal with common diseases during the overwintering period, such as saprophytic and parasitic diseases.
Aquaculture body
A. Water temperature: Keep the water level above 2.5m to prevent fish from freezing due to shallow water; maintain the water temperature through other methods that can be used to suit your needs (Building greenhouses - such as shrimp janitors and pumping wells in southern China to regulate water temperature ).
B. Dissolved Oxygen: Regularly detect dissolved oxygen. When there is lack of oxygen in the water, new water or aerator should be added to increase the oxygen content in the water.
Zhuhai Mingke Electronics Technology Co., Ltd ,