The world’s first discovery of monkeys is also expected to be used to study humans.

Release date: 2014-11-11

Original title: The world’s first discovery of monkeys is also expected to be used to study humans.
According to Xinhua News, premature aging is also known as premature aging, a rare human genetic disease. Japanese researchers recently reported that they found a Japanese monkey with premature aging, the first Japanese monkey to be found in the world, and is expected to be used as a primate model to study human premature aging.

Human premature aging is thought to be caused by reduced gene repair capacity. The process of aging of patients is 5 to 10 times faster than that of normal people. The appearance is like the elderly, and the organs are also rapidly declining. The cause of the disease is not fully understood, and there is no cure.

A female born at the Kyoto University Primate Institute four years ago developed wrinkles shortly after birth. At least one year old, cataracts appeared, and at the age of two, brain atrophy appeared and showed initial symptoms of diabetes.

This Japanese monkey was eventually confirmed to have premature aging. After investigation, the research team found that the monkey's cell aging is increasing, and the DNA damage in the cells is significantly higher than that of healthy monkeys, showing the same characteristics as human premature aging.

In the latest issue of the "Science Public Library Comprehensive Volume", the researchers reported that Japanese macaques such as monkeys have a developmental and aging pattern closer to humans than experimental animals such as mice, and are more suitable for studying premature aging. And sample animals with normal aging mechanisms. The researchers are preparing to use the cells of this monkey to create iPS cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) that are very similar to those of embryonic stem cells, to produce various cells, to reproduce the symptoms of premature aging, and to clarify the mechanisms of human aging and aging.

Source: Jinghua Times

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