Gilt health measures

In order to maintain the health of gilts and their reproductive ability, the pig farms can provide health care from the following points:

1. For gilts to ensure that they have excellent reproductive capacity in the future, to provide full-priced diets, 5-6 months of age, 2-2.5 kg per day feeding 2-3 times, there must be fresh drinking water. Dung-free floor pigs are cleaned daily.

2. In general, a weight of 90 kg is required at the age of 6 months, and it can be planted when the body weight reaches 120 kg in 8 months. To ensure timely estrus, boars can be placed in the neighbourhood or boars can be placed in the sow house for 10-15 minutes each day. In order to prevent the sows from having fewer litters and affecting their own development, they generally avoid the first two estruss and are escorted by the third estrus.

3. To strengthen the immunization work, the gilts may be considered for vaccination against pseudorabies, swine fever, parvovirus, and encephalitis B in accordance with the local epidemic prior to mating.

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