What women eat most food

Modern crush, because of the year-round work monotonous, nervous, great pressure, there are no lack of gastrointestinal dysfunction, or too thin, or too obese, or diarrhea difficult, or constipation incomprehensible, it is for the sadness and discomfort, it is trouble . First introduce a soothing therapeutic small square: the hemp kernel crush and rice slow fire into a porridge, drink every day, you can solve this problem. The hemp kernel is sweet, flat, replenishing zhongqi, long muscles, gastrointestinality, containing unsaturated fatty acids, protein, vitamin B1B2, lecithin, etc. It is rich in nutrients. Adding rice porridge is the best for daily life. It is best for daily use. Eat, or serve as an "open agent" before winter tonic.


Closer to home, let's introduce ten of the most beauty foods, and the therapeutic side with this food:


The essence of honey picking flowers, the beauty of the name of women's beauty medicine, regular consumption of honey can make people "face like peach." Dry skin in winter lacks water and oil, and honey contains various types of biologically active substances that can improve the skin's nutrition and keep the skin smooth and delicate. In particular, honey contains 47 trace elements, such as zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are necessary for health and beauty. Therefore, it not only won the favor of the Orientals, but also favored in the West. It is said that Hippocrates, the earliest ancestor of Western medicine, lived to 107 years old when he had long-term consumption of honey. Honey can be eaten alone, but also with ejiao, red dates, longan meat, walnuts, wolfberry, etc. made of cream.

Jade Cream (Yin Yin Sheng Jin, Moisturizing Jade):

Acanthopanax 500 g and white honey 250 g were chopped and cut into coarse and coarse white. The water was added to the slag to enrich the residue and white honey was added. Fasting 30 grams daily morning and evening, brewed into white water.


Jujube is a commonly used medicine in the traditional Chinese medicine tonic, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen, replenishing qi, producing blood, and nourishing the skin of the organs. The determination of red dates in the vitamin content is the crown of the fruit, was known as "live vitamin pills." Medical research proves that: Vitamin C can inhibit the oxidation of dopa quinone in the skin, reduce the formation of melanin and prevent pigmentation. One of the important functions of vitamin A is to activate and regulate epidermal cell growth and resistance to keratinization. Therefore, vitamin A supplementation can help improve the water barrier properties of the skin. For example, in combination with vitamin E, it can delay and reverse skin aging. Vitamin E has the reputation of “female hormone”, which has antioxidant and scavenging effects on free radicals and promotes blood circulation in skin tissue. Vitamin B family regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands. As the saying goes, it's good to eat three dates in a day and never look older in life.

Immortal porridge (anti-aging wrinkle)

Shouwu 30, 60 grams of japonica rice, 20 red dates, with bamboo scraping to the first black skin, slice Jianzhi gravy to the residue, the glutinous rice with glutinous rice, red dates in the casserole porridge, add brown sugar when cooked, and then Cook 1-2 boiling Serve. Eat on an empty stomach sooner or later, 7-10 days as a course of treatment, and eat it after 5 days.
