Urine test can check breast cancer
June 24, 2015 Source: Xinhuanet
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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. German women have a breast cancer rate of 1 in 8 and more than 17,000 women die of breast cancer each year. To date, medical diagnosis of breast cancer has mostly been performed using mammography or ultrasound, as well as breast tissue section analysis. However, these methods often diagnose errors and even cause pain to the patient.
Professor Stickler of the Department of Gynecology at the University of Freiburg Medical School and his team of researchers successfully invented a urine sample test to determine changes in the concentration of microRNA molecules in urine samples. MicroRNA molecules control the transformation of substances in cells. The level of microRNA molecules in breast cancer patients is significantly different from that in healthy people. By detecting the level of difference, it is possible to determine whether the subject has breast cancer.
Professor Stickler said, "MicroRNA molecules are very suitable as a standard for examining breast cancer. The accuracy of the new method can be as high as 91%." The biggest advantage of the urine sample test is that only a few milliliters of urine is needed, no need to collect Blood samples or tissue sections are very convenient and painless for the subject. This method is also very suitable for the examination of breast cancer treatment process, as well as group physical examination. The University of Freiburg Medical School has applied for a patent for this achievement.
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