Apple teamed up with top US medical centers to expand disease research

At the Apple New Product Launch Conference in early March this year, while the eye-catching Apple Watch completed its debut, ResearchKit was also launched to fill the health monitoring function module that Apple Watch was cut off. As an adjunct to pharmaceutical medical research, ResearchKit is an open platform that allows medical professionals to create diagnostic apps and access devices such as iPhones and iPads.

As of the press conference, ResearchKit has the first five APPs on this platform, involving Parkinson's disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma and breast cancer. Among them, Xuanwu Hospital of China Capital Medical University participated in the development of APP to monitor Parkinson's disease. From the existing APP, it is not difficult to see that ReserchKit involves more specialized fields, applications involving very vertical fields, and there are great medical research needs.

Apple teamed up with the top medical centers in the United States

In order to further medical research and practice, to broaden the scope to get involved in mobile medical, recently, Apple's official website announced that the United States will work with the top three academic medical centers - Duke University Medical Center, John Hopkins University School of Medicine • Oregon Health and Collaborate with the University of Science to study APP for the three disease areas of autism, epilepsy and melanoma.

For autism (cooperative institution: Duke University Medical Center)

ResearchKit provides disease-related data for life medical researchers from iphone and iPad devices and existing medical apps, with patient consent. Apple claims that there are currently at least 100,000 patients participating in more than 50 ResearchKit studies.

The Duke University Medical Center will conduct research projects on autism in children for parents concerned with autism and other developmental problems.

Use the iPhone camera to record the behavior of young children, can they be used to detect whether they have autism tendency? The answer is yes. The Duke University research team facilitates the "Emotional Detection" algorithm development app to measure the child's reaction under the lens. It is reported that Duke University is working with Peking University and other cooperative institutions to conduct research.

Ricky Bloomfield, MD, director of mobile technology at Duke University Medical Center, said the long-term goal of the project is to develop an automated method for screening people with autism and anxiety.

For epilepsy (partner institutions: • John Hopkins University School of Medicine)

• John Hopkins University School of Medicine have developed EpiWatch APP, the occurrence and duration of use of wearable sensors detect symptoms of epilepsy, including Apple, including watches.

Development scenario: Accelerometer and heart rate sensor data will be captured through a custom app and alerts will be sent to patient friends or relatives. The APP will record the ability of patients with epilepsy and other participants to respond to time.

For melanoma (cooperative agency: Oregon Health and Science University)

The University of Oregon Health and Science is investigating the use of iPhone images for the detection of sputum and melanoma growth, and has achieved better health management goals for patients. By photographing and detecting the molar size of the condition at different times, the changes were recorded and transmitted to medical personnel for analysis.

The researchers plan to build detection algorithms for screening melanoma by collecting images from thousands of patients.

Apple teamed up with the top medical centers in the United States

ResearchKit: a combination of academic research and mobile healthcare

Bud Tribble, MD, said that ResearchKit can be used as a conduit for academic research and mobile healthcare as a starting point for more apps for screening, diagnosing, managing and treating diseases. Apple's collaboration with medical research structures is a must and FDA approval is required before commercial entities go public.

Gregory Krauss, a professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, said the EpiWatch APP study is used to detect epilepsy, which is itself an academic study. EpiWatch participants will be able to get their data from the ResearchKit APP. The Johns Hopkins team expects that the data will help patients better communicate with healthcare professionals.

In the future, ResearchKit can obtain other information of Apple users, including weight, blood pressure and blood sugar level, by means of the mobile phone's APP, even the microphone and GPS sensor. These data can monitor the user's pace, sports injuries, speeches, etc. in real time to manage the patient's disease status.

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