Magically boiled garlic with amazing water effect
Most people know that eating garlic is good, but do not know the magical effect of boiled garlic water!
method one:
The easiest thing is to peel a piece of garlic, and when it is in the mouth, nibble at once. When the garlic smells out, slowly ingest it. If it contains one hour, the phlegm will decrease and the cough will decrease.
Method Two:
Take garlic dozens of petals, put it into a cup of mud, add crystal sugar, brew with boiling water, warm clothes when the tea, once a day, severe cough 2 times a day, this side has a rapid cough and phlegm Special effects.
Method 3:
Steamed garlic water: When the child coughs and breathes with garlic 2-3 petals, adults with 7-8 flaps, crushed, into the bowl, to be covered in a bowl, and then into the pot to steam, the fire to change the small The fire is 15 minutes. When severe, it can be three times a day. You can drink only garlic instead of garlic. The next day when steaming garlic, we must add rock sugar. The children put one pill. The adults put two pills. The garlic is warm, and the spleen, stomach and lungs are used. The folk use garlic to treat cough, bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis.
Method 4:
Add garlic to boil water to drink. The child has a cold and cough, more effective than the injection. Method Use 30 grams of garlic, 10 grams of crystal sugar and 200 milliliters of water. Boil the water with a large fire and simmer for a few minutes with a low heat. Finally, make a small bowl and let the child drink. When a child has a bad cough, he can drink 3 times a day in the morning, in the middle or in the evening, and it will be effective in the next day. After 3 days, he will be fine.
Method 5:
Boil Ginger, Garlic, Brown Sugar, Water: If the cough is severe, white dilute phlegm is more, indicating that the chill is heavier. When eating the above therapeutic side, together with ginger, garlic, brown sugar boiled water to eat together. Children can use ginger 3 tablets, garlic 3 valves, brown sugar, 5 tablespoons, adult ginger 7-8 tablets, garlic 7-8 valves, a spoonful of brown sugar, add water to the pot, medium heat for 10 minutes can be severe when the day three times.
Method 6:
Take three or four heads of garlic and peel them and slice the garlic into thin slices. At night before going to bed, sliced ​​garlic slices are placed on the perimeter of the stove along the way. On the morning of the next morning, the garlic slices are basically baked and roasted, but be careful not to roast them into charred ones. Then dry the dried garlic pieces with a rolling pin and chop them into pieces. Dig a tablespoon of minced garlic into the cup, add a little brown sugar, pour boiling water, stir and drink. Drink one or two cups a day, drink for two or three days, coughing just fine.
Method 7:
Cut the garlic into a paste and place it in an empty medicine bottle. Point the mouth of the bottle at the mouth of the nose, smell and smell the garlic as much as possible. You can smell the garlic 4-5 times a day. After the spicy taste of garlic becomes light, it can be replaced with a new garlic. The bottle used should not be too large to align the size of the two nostrils. In addition, you can also wash several pieces of garlic to the skin, place it in a large bottle of honey, cover it and soak it for about a week, and take it out.
Method 8:
Garlic applied to the soles of the feet to treat cough, garlic, foot to deal with getting angry, coughing method. Before going to bed every night, after washing your feet, slice the garlic in thin pieces and apply it on the Yongxin acupuncture point (positioned on the heel of the foot up to 1/3 foot); then take the medical tape firmly. Since garlic has irritation to the skin, it should not be too long, so it is best to remove it when you get up in the morning. This method has a certain effect on cough, nosebleeds, and constipation. Applying it continuously for 7 days to 10 days will have better results. There may be a handful of people who will have their feet in the area of ​​garlic. It is advisable to temporarily apply at this time. After the skin is broken, the skin will be restored and then applied again. This will not happen again.
Could one of the ways to tell you how to make garlic water? ?
1. Use a knife to crush garlic or cut it into pieces
2. Put the garlic into the steamed bun (a bowl can be used without steaming at home)
3. Put rock sugar into steamed buns
4. Add appropriate amount of water, about two thirds of the water
5. Cover the lid to prevent water from entering the lid when steaming (if using a bowl, use a small dish)
6. Put steamed buns into the pot and steam them. After the fire boils, use a small fire and steam for 15 minutes.
Diet tips
How to eat: Take 2 or 3 times a day, take it hot, and eat it in a small bowl (take out the garlic when you drink it).
Cough is divided into cold cough and wind-heat cough. Different types of coughs are completely different in their medications, so the diet is not the same. Let's distinguish between cold cough and wind-heat cough.
Wind-heat cough: The tongue coating is yellow and red, indicating that the child's internal heat is large. Cough phlegm yellow, thick, difficult to cough up, and sore throat, this time should eat some Qingfei, phlegm and cough food. Such as melon, loofah, wolfberry.
Cold cough: Tongue white, indicating that the child is cold. Cough phlegm also teaches thin, white sticky, and nasal congestion, runny nose, this time should eat some warm, phlegm and cough food. Such as ginger, garlic, oranges.
The original garlic has so many advantages, then we not only have to put spices in the dishes, you can also boil garlic water to drink.
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