The biological characteristics of ostriches

(1) Ostriches are omnivorous birds that love to eat twigs of leaves and grass. Because of its glycolytic effect, the digestive tract can obtain nutrition better than other poultry, such as grasses and other crude fiber-rich feeds, and can maximize the digestion and absorption of nutrients in food. The ostrich does not have a gallbladder, but it does not affect the digestion of fat by adult ostriches. It has been reported that after 1 week of age, the use of energy in feed by ostriches is 2 times higher than in poultry. Therefore, in the configuration of ostrich feed, we must pay attention to this digestive characteristics, in order to avoid adult ostrich obesity and affect its reproductive performance. (2) Ostriches live in groups and are polygamous, often one male bird has one female bird. The original living environment of ostriches is deserts and grasslands. Therefore, there is a habit of enjoying a sand bath. In nature, it has also been found that ostriches are good at living together with herbivores and eating grass. Under artificial rearing conditions, in order to improve the living rate and production performance, supplemental feeds are used to obtain higher economic benefits. (3) Artificially raised ostriches are gentle, accessible, and considerate. However, during the breeding season, male ostriches are more aggressive towards those who approach ostrich eggs. Therefore, after the female ostrich has laid eggs, it is necessary to try to divert the male ostrich and then take the eggs so as not to be injured by the wings or legs of the male ostrich. (4) The ostrich is a famous "scavenger" in birds and eats everything. Because of their curiosity, ostriches are particularly attracted to glowing objects that attract ostriches such as metal objects and glass. Sometimes they are killed. Therefore, the place where ostriches are bred artificially should pay attention to the removal of foreign objects. In particular, young ostriches have the habit of eating all the sighted objects, and even other young birds that have just been pulled, are also being fed. In particular, they love to eat straw, sackcloth, plastic, wire, glass, etc. Indigestion, gastrointestinal obstruction, and visceral trauma cause death of young ostriches. Therefore, measures should be taken to prevent it. (5) The growth rate of ostriches is fast, with a birth weight of about 42 kg, which can grow to 6 kg at 5 months of age, 3 kg at 6 months, and 1 kg at 1 month. The ostrich grows 5 centimeters a month and grows to 6 meters. (6) The value of economic utilization is high, and the effective period of use is long. After adulthood, the ostrich takes fresh grass as the main grain, supplements the fine material, has low feeding cost, has a longevity of 33 years, and has an effective breeding time of up to 20 years. One-time investment, but long return time. (7) Strong vigor and resistance. Because of the harsh natural conditions of the long-term generation of ostriches, long-term natural selection results in strong ostrich vigor and resistance. The success rate of artificial rearing is relatively high. Although the ostriches are produced in hot regions of Africa, the cold climate of ice and snow does not require special warming measures for adult ostriches. (8) Heat-resistant and dry. Ostriches have a more developed airbag to regulate body temperature, have good blood circulation function, and have no discomfort when the ambient temperature is up to -. (9) The ostrich has nesting. After the female ostrich produces a nest of eggs, there is a phenomenon of nesting. The eggs can be broken by removing the eggs every day. After the mother ostrich finishes an egg-laying cycle and rests for 136 weeks, it can lay eggs again. (10) The young ostriches grow fast, have a delicate body, and have a strong metabolism. They are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions, are prone to stress, are extremely prone to dampness and love to dry. Therefore, the feeding and management of young ostriches should take moisture prevention as an important measure to increase the survival rate of young ostriches. (11) Ostriches are animals that are good at running and dancing. Therefore, adult ostriches must have a wide breeding area in order to improve production performance and maintain a robust physique. China Agricultural Network Editor

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