Grapes treated with cold resistant grapevines and buds were cold-tolerant, and the roots were slightly frost-damaged at -4°C, and frozen at -5°C to -7°C. Before and after the winter solstice, the grape after the autumn harvest should be placed in a ditch, covered with a straw bag at night, and opened during the day. This period of time before freezing is in a period of dormancy, and it must be protected from cold in due course.
Use sand or burial to prevent cold, first cut winter grape branches along the ditch, and cover with sand or soil 20 or 30 centimeters, then when the soil is frozen 10 centimeters, then cover with leaves and firewood 50 centimeters, extend 1 meter around . At the same time, several buckwheat stalks (sorghum stalks) were planted and exposed at the top, which acted as a light and light.
Hollow and cold-proof in the ditch with bricks and adobe slotted type, the winter cut after the vines tied in the middle, the top with a wooden pole scaffolding, put stalks and grass bags, covering 20-30 cm, and then cover the leaves Or firewood 50 cm, along the ground to leave a few vents, at any time temperature ventilation. Closed at 0°C, open when next year is clear.
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