Weight loss is the unremitting pursuit of girls, not only to wear beautiful clothes, but also to show their more beautiful side. In order to lose weight, diet control is very important. But for food, it's really difficult to manage it. Today, we will share 10 super-satisfied foods with you so that you will not lose weight even if you are on a diet!
1, potatoes
The statement that “it is easy to gain weight when eating potatoes†is indeed a demonization of potatoes. In fact, potatoes are very effective anti-hungry weapon. Studies have shown that among the 38 foods, including brown rice and whole wheat bread, the satiety index of cooked potatoes is the highest. Researchers say that you don’t want to eat anything at all after two hours of eating your potatoes. Some people will still avoid potatoes because of their high carbohydrate content. It is not necessary. They are also rich in vitamins, cellulose, and other nutrients that allow you to obtain a balance of energy and enough time. Satiety. However, it should be noted that it is important not to eat French fries. Roasted potatoes or cooked potatoes are more satiety. They have a higher cellulose content and a lower calorie content.
2. Apple
Apple is one of the few fruits that contains pectin. Pectin naturally slows digestion and increases satiety after eating. Eating apples as part of your meal will make your meal more satisfying and consume fewer calories than those who drink juice or eat jam. When you chewing an apple carefully, the related hormones in your body will have enough time to send a “full†signal to the brain. Adding apples to oatmeal or salads, or cutting apples into slices for serving in sandwiches is also a way to increase satiety.
Moreover, research shows that people who eat more apples are far less likely to catch cold than those who do not eat or eat apples. Therefore, scientists and physicians call apples "a full range of healthy fruits" or "general practitioners." Air pollution is more serious. Eating more apples can improve the respiratory system and lung function, and protect the lungs from dust and smoke in the air.
3, Longli fish
According to nutrition experts, Longli fish, as a high-quality marine fish, contains unsaturated fatty acids in its fat, and it has anti-atherosclerotic effects, which is beneficial for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and memory enhancement. At the same time, according to nutritional tests, omega-3 fatty acids in Longli fish can inhibit free radicals in the eyes, prevent the formation of new blood vessels, and reduce the occurrence of crystal inflammation. This is why it is also known as “eye fishâ€. . Therefore, it is also particularly suitable for office workers who face the computer all day as health care products. Not only that, OMEGA3 fatty acids can also increase fat metabolism, but also to avoid the body's excess carbohydrates into fat. What's more, their plump taste can easily make you feel satisfied.
4, yogurt
Yogurt is fermented from pure milk. In addition to retaining all the nutrients of fresh milk, lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation process can also produce a variety of vitamins necessary for human nutrition, such as VB1, VB2, VB6, VB12 and so on. Yogurt is rich in "milk factor". This "milk factor" has inherent hypolipidemic and cholesterol-reducing effects and impedes the absorption of fat by the body. Yogurt also contains lactic acid, which can effectively inhibit the proliferation of spoilage bacteria in the intestine. Suppresses the production of harmful substances and promotes the peristalsis of the intestines, so it is extremely valuable for slimming. At the same time, yoghurt is also a dairy product. Calcium in dairy products can reduce the amount of parathyroid hormone, and parathyroid hormone inhibits the activity of enzymes and slows down the process of fat burning in the body.
The survey found that yogurt is the best food for weight loss. Even if the respondents did not deliberately lose weight, they would lose weight after a certain period of time by insisting on drinking yogurt. Moreover, studies have shown that the proteins ingested from dairy products are more satiety, which can reduce the total intake of food while maintaining the blood sugar balance.
5, oats
Oats have high nutritional value. Among the 9 kinds of foodstuffs such as wheat, rice, and corn that Chinese people eat daily, the economic value of oats is the highest, which is mainly reflected in the high value of nutrition, medical care, and feeding. Beta-glucan in oats slows down the increase in blood glucose levels, preventing and controlling obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber, which is rich in oats, cleans intestinal waste.
Moreover, the super-satiety of oats comes from its high fiber content and its sponge-like ability to absorb water. When oats are mixed with water or skimmed milk, the volume of oats will expand rapidly and the digestive system will have more time to digest it. This means that you can persist longer before the next hunger strike. .
6, eggs
Eggs are rich in nutrients. An egg weighs about 50 grams and contains 7 grams of protein. Egg protein amino acid ratio is very suitable for human physiological needs, easy for the body to absorb, the utilization rate of up to 98%, high nutritional value, is one of the food that humans often eat. You may feel that eating one or two eggs does not have much weight, but it is not. A study at St. Louis University found that those who ate eggs for breakfast consumed 330 fewer calories a day than those who took doughnuts.
For nutrition experts, eggs are one of the few foods that contain complete proteins, meaning that eggs contain a variety of essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized automatically. Once the eggs are digested, these amino acids will promote the body. Releases a hormone that suppresses appetite. But the first thing you should pay attention to when eating eggs is that you don’t lose the yolk because half of the protein contained in the eggs comes from the yolk. Second, you can try to break the vegetables and mix the eggs together. This can increase the cellulose content.
7, figs
Knowing how many people know about figs, there may be many people who simply know that it is a long fruit without flowering! If I tell you now it is a great food for weight loss. Is it a bit surprised! Because figs are rich in amino acids, they are very effective against blood diseases, and low calories have a significant satiety effect. Moreover, the fresh cellulose of figs is particularly high in concentration, which slows down the rate at which sugars are released into the blood. Therefore, after eating high-calorie cakes or biscuits, it is very good to use figs to slow down.
Not only that, figs also have a clear throat, spleen and digestion, laxative, blood fat, lower blood pressure, lean meat may cause fat accumulation, then you can match the consumption of plastic fiber fruit, you can quickly consume body fat, at the same time Helps build a fat barrier in the body, reducing excess body fat absorption and expelling it from the body.
8, mushrooms
Mushrooms are widely distributed throughout the earth and are most abundant in deciduous forests. Edible mushrooms are ideal natural foods or multi-functional foods. Mushrooms are high in cellulose and rich in protein, making it easy for people to feel full. Even more commendable is that the mushroom is full of umami taste, and it can be delicious without adding too much seasoning. Not only that, nutrition studies have concluded that increasing the intake of low-energy-dense foods (such as mushrooms) to replace high-energy-dense foods (such as meat) helps maintain satiety while reducing body weight. To meet the people who love meat, food scientists have begun to add "meat" and other flavors to mushrooms, making it a pure natural vegetarian meat.
9, soybean
Women who love beauty must not miss soybeans. Soya beans are not only delicious but also have high nutritional value. They have three functions: calcium supplementation, slimming, and beauty. Soybeans are rich in protein, 500 grams of soy beans contain the equivalent of 1500 grams of eggs, 6000 grams of milk, 1000 grams of lean pork protein. Soybean also contains "phytoestrogen" - "isoflavone" substances, can effectively increase the level of estrogen in the body, so as to maintain the beauty of the breast youth, delay women aging.
In addition to breast beauty, soy can also lose weight. You may not have heard the noun "Cholecystokinin." But it is a magic weapon for weight loss. This substance is related to digestion. It controls appetite and allows food to stay in your stomach longer. How do you increase the content of cholecystokinin in your body? Studies have found that after eating, the amount of cholecystokinin in the body doubled. Soy can also keep your blood sugar constant, so you don't feel hungry easily.
10, dark chocolate
Dark chocolate, which is hard and slightly bitter, generally refers to chocolate with a cocoa solids content of between 70% and 99%, or a milk content of less than 12%. When you want to eat sweets, you can choose dark chocolate. Research shows that dark chocolate can lower blood pressure and protect the heart and brain. A study in the Journal of Nutrition and Diabetes reported that dark chocolate is more satiety than milk chocolate and can help inhibit the desire for food that is both sweet and salty. In fact, after eating dark chocolate, the calorie intake of a participant's meal can be reduced by 17%. Moreover, the proper amount of dark chocolate (chocolate without added milk) can increase the antioxidant activity in the blood to categorized flavonoids and prevent heart attacks.
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