Google smart glasses are expected to be a useful tool for bringing "virtual specialists" to patients in the emergency room. According to Peter R. Chai, assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMass), UMass uses Google Glass to "send a virtual specialist's picture in the emergency room so that we can have a specialist to see the patient at the bedside. But it doesn't have to happen." 20160711-Glass-1 Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, UMass Medical School, Peter R. Chai.
Chai before participated in this collaborative research program and research results published in "Medical Toxicology" (Medical Toxicology) journal last August. According to the results of the study, when the emergency room (ER) physician puts on Google Glass and evaluates the patient's condition next to the bed, the video signal is also safely fed to the toxicological supervisor. Residents of the UMass Memorial Hospital conducted 18 toxicological consultations through Google Glass.
The supervisory counselor can use the text message displayed on Google Glass to guide the resident; the counselor can also take a still photo of the vial, an electrocardiogram (EKG), and other related information. This is another option for residents who, in addition to standard oral counseling.
According to UMass research, the use of Google Glass has also changed patient care management in more than half of cases due to the ability to collect more data. Of the patients who underwent the study, six patients received antidote that would not have been performed, and counseling toxicologists found that 89% of the cases were very successful.
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