Green feed refers to fresh stems and leaves of plants with natural water content of 60% or more, such as grass pasture, field weeds, cultivated pasture, aquatic plants, leaf twigs, and lettuce leaves. Because it is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and contains less crude fiber, lignin, palatability is good for all kinds of livestock. However, in order for the green feed to have an ideal feeding effect, seven issues must be noted. (a) pay attention to diverse collocations, nutritionally complementary colloquialism: livestock eat a hundred kinds of grass, no material is also available. Different pasture varieties have different nutritional characteristics. If they are fed alone, they can easily lead to nutrient imbalance. Grasses are rich in carbohydrates, legumes are rich in protein, and leafy grasses are rich in vitamins and minerals. Feeding grasses alone can result in a lack of minerals, and feeding legumes alone can cause bloated disease. Therefore, these pastures should be properly fed with livestock and poultry, and if they can be matched with wild weeds, leaves, and aquatic plants, the effect will be better. (B) pay attention to the harvest in the best nutrition period when the grass feed for cattle and sheep should be harvested at the beginning of the ear, feed pigs, chickens, rabbits, geese should be harvested before heading; legumes feed cattle and sheep when appropriate When harvesting at the early flowering stage, pigs, chickens, rabbits, and geese should be harvested before flowering; leafy grasses should be harvested during leaf clustering when feeding livestock and poultry, and protein, vitamins, and other nutrient contents are the highest. (C) pay attention to training feeding on some poor palatability, smelly pasture, such as Rumex K-1 hybrid sour, pine cone herb, Russian feed, etc., should be fed during the initial feeding. The training and feeding method is to first stop the livestock and poultry for 1 to 2 tons, and then chop the pastures and feed them together with other pastures and concentrates the animal prefers to eat. The amount of the first blend is about 20%, and gradually increases afterwards. After 3 to 5 days of training, the livestock can adapt to many feedings. (4) Attention should be paid to the dry and green dry forage grass fiber and low lignin content, which is not conducive to the rumination of cattle and sheep. It should be used to feed ruminant livestock such as cows and sheep. For 30% of the diet, winter hay accounts for 70% of the diet. For grasses with high moisture, such as Rumex, chicory, etc., should be air-dried until the moisture drops below 60% and then feed. Otherwise it is easy to cause animal diarrhea. (E) Note that the processing methods used to feed cattle and sheep can be cut longer, with 8 to 10 cm is appropriate, feeding rabbits, goose can be cut to 2 to 3 cm, while feeding pigs, chickens should be chopped or beaten. (6) The amount of feed for green feed should be different depending on the species of livestock. Generally suitable for feeding: cows 30 to 50 kg/day, sheep 10 kg/day, goats 8 to 9 kg/day, rabbits, geese 2 kg/day, chickens 0.1 kg/day, pigs 5 to 7 kg/day day. (7) Attention to anti-poisoning One must prevent hydrocyanic acid poisoning from green feed. Sorghum, corn, sudangrass, and yucagu grasses contain cyanogenic glycosides, which are fed to the mouth through cattle and sheep. Under the conditions of saliva and temperature, hydrocyanic acid can be produced through the action of lipolytic enzymes in plants. In the rumen, through the role of rumen microorganisms, hydrocyanic acid enters the blood to cause poisoning. Therefore, the above seedlings of pasture can not feed cattle and sheep, must be longer than 1.5 meters and then harvest the first crop. Second, prevent organic pesticide poisoning. Pastures, vegetables, green corn, and field weeds that have just been sprayed with pesticides cannot be immediately fed to livestock and poultry. After a certain period of time (about 1 month) or after heavy rain, the amount of drug residues disappears before feeding.
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