Drug effect
1. Help digestion: This product contains α and β amylase. Starch is a mixture of sugar starch and gelatin starch.
The glucose molecules that make up the sugar starch are linked by alpha-1,4 bonds and are arranged in a straight chain. Gum starch is composed of several short straight-chain condensed glucose cross-arranged. In amylopectin molecules, there are α-1,6甙 bonds in addition to α-1,4甙 bonds. Alpha and beta amylase can hydrolyze alpha-1,4 hydrazone bonds and have no effect on alpha-1,6 hydrazone linkages. Beta amylase can completely hydrolyze sugar starch to maltose, while alpha amylase breaks it down into short straight bonds that condense glucose (ie, dextrin), which can then be hydrolyzed by beta amylase to maltose. Therefore, starch can be decomposed into maltose and dextrin by the action of α and β amylase. Malt decoction slightly promoted the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin. [3]
2. Hypoglycemic effect: Oral malt extract can reduce blood sugar in rabbits and normal people. The 5% injection made from the malt residue water extract and alcohol precipitation product gave 200 mg to the rabbit, which reduced the blood sugar by 40% or more, and mostly recovered after 7 hours.
3. Antifungal effects: Barley alkali A and B contained in this product have antifungal activity.
4. Inhibition of prolactin release: oral malt decoction 100-200g / d orally, can make healthy people sleep or vomiting Ling prolactin release peak test was inhibited, which may be related to the role of women taking raw malt soup back cream, for simple In patients with papilloma, the loss or remission of galactorrhea can be eliminated, but the peak of the test response to extermination is not inhibited, and the amenorrhea syndrome, which is an organic disorder with pituitary prolactinoma, is ineffective.
5. Other effects: This product contains barley alkali similar to the pharmacological effects of ephedrine. A dose of 1.0 mg/kg enhanced uterine tone and movement in guinea pigs and increased with increasing dose. The cat bronchial spasm caused by neostigmine can be expanded, and the effective dose is 0.5-1.0 mg/kg, but the effect on normal cats is very small. There is also protection against radioactivity.
Malt is commonly used in Chinese medicine, indigestion, plot food, stomach ache stuffy, vomiting acid, rot, loss of appetite. And beriberi, breast swelling pain. And moisten dry skin.
Malt, also known as barley malt, is a caryopsis of the barley plant "barley" or a plant of the same species that has been processed and germinated to dry.
Refined malt. Soak the wheat for 22 hours, spread the soil with water, put on the mat, and evenly spread the white wheat grains, cover with a sack, and apply water. The malt grows to dry in 5-7 days.