Effective male contraceptives stop trials due to side effects
November 04, 2016 Source: Science Network
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In a year-long trial, these injections showed efficacy in nearly 96% of couples. However, the researchers said that further research is needed to address their side effects, including depression and other mood disorders, muscle pain, acne acne, and increased libido.
These negative effects led to 20 men giving up the trial. There was a case of depression, an intentional overdose of paracetamol (acetaminophen) and a case of arrhythmia, which were thought to be related to the injection of the drug.
The trial was ultimately unsuccessful because the external review panel felt that its risk to the participants exceeded the potential benefits. However, more than 75% of the participating men indicated that they are very satisfied with the relevant injections and will continue to use them if they are available.
Mario Festin from WHO said: "The study found it impossible to have a male hormone contraceptive that reduces the risk of unplanned pregnant users."
The injection contains a long-lasting progestogen that has the effect of reducing the number of spermatozoa controlled by the pituitary gland. Testosterone (a type of male hormone) was added to balance the decline in male hormone levels caused during treatment. After a period of infusion of the agent and other fertility control methods, men will enter the "effect phase" of the study, relying on contraceptives alone.
In the efficacy phase (up to one year), the male is injected once every two months. Of the 266 participants, 4 were pregnant, which is equivalent to 1.57 for every 100 users. In contrast, the effectiveness of a combination contraceptive in female users is less than 1% for every 100 users.
“Before it becomes a method of contraception widely used in men, more research is needed to advance this concept,†Festin said. “Although injections are effective in reducing pregnancy rates, hormone mixing requires more research to make it work. Balanced with security.
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