Identify specific hormones that inhibit liver fibrosis

Identify specific hormones that inhibit liver fibrosis

October 20, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Researchers from Japan have recently identified a hormone-mediated mechanism that may limit the occurrence of fibrosis-related nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and cirrhosis. Research is published in the International Journal of Scientific Reports . Research or provide new ideas for new treatments for later development of the corresponding diseases.

NASH is a progressive non-alcoholic fatty liver in obesity and diabetes that causes fat accumulation, inflammation, and fibrosis. In some cases, fibrosis progresses to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Shortening the lifespan of patients, the occurrence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is directly related to metabolic syndrome, and NASH cases tend to increase with the increase of obesity and diabetes patients, it is estimated that currently in Japan About 3 million to 4 million patients suffer from NASH.

The researchers found that the development of fatty liver and NASH is particularly prevalent in patients with growth hormone deficiency, which is caused by the loss of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I). After intensive research, the researchers found that injection of growth hormone or It can alleviate the symptoms of NASH caused by the loss of adult growth hormone, and the therapy of growth hormone and IGF-I can also be successfully applied to the animal model of growth hormone deficiency.

In order to clarify the potential clinical significance of IGF-I in patients with common NASH and cirrhosis, the researchers investigated the effect of IGF-I on animal models. The researchers found that IGF-I can significantly improve the symptoms of NASH patients, especially Fibrosis patients; first, researchers used a mouse model of obesity-related NASH to study the effects of IGF-I. After one month of IGF-I injection, the researchers found a significant positive change in NASH, while the researchers It is pointed out that IGF-I can play a role in hepatic astrocytes, which play an important role in the development of liver fibrosis; IFG-I can inhibit the activation of hepatic stellate cells by inducing cell senescence and inhibiting fibrosis. IGF-I also improves mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in liver cells, thereby slowing the accumulation of fat and inflammation in the liver.

Nowadays, the treatments that inhibit NASH-related liver fibrosis and other complications are very limited. This study shows that IGF-I can be used to inhibit the occurrence of liver fibrosis, and also improve the prognosis of patients with NASH and liver fibrosis, and Slow down the occurrence of its complications. IGF-I can also be effectively used in models of cirrhosis associated with viral hepatitis. Since activation of astrocytes is a common pathway for liver fibrosis, researchers have now elucidated the specific mechanism of IGF-I, which is comparable to other therapies. Combination may help to effectively treat other diseases such as liver fibrosis.

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