Shan Fuhua, Senior Agronomist, Hybrid Wheat Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
A: This year's wheat planting is affected by wet weather and delayed late maize harvest. The proportion of late seeding of wheat has increased, and even the wheat has reduced frost. This has resulted in pre-winter wheat seedlings being generally weak and small, with low accumulation of nutrients in the body and resistance to cold and frost. Weak, vulnerable to freezing and freezing in winter and spring. Therefore, due to the appropriate conditions for the seedlings, timely follow-up, comprehensive measures should be taken to strengthen the management of late-winter winter and late-seeding wheat fields, and ensure that late-seeding wheat is safely overwintering.
Perennial freezing of wheat in Beijing is around November 20, when the soil is cold and frozen, it is appropriate, but on November 20, 2016, the temperature is significantly lower than the average, the temperature suddenly drops, the minimum temperature is minus 7 degrees Celsius, wheat is not Can do cold resistance exercise, many wheat fields can not be poured in time frozen water. In view of this situation, it is necessary to conduct a survey on the seedling condition and soil moisture. If the seedlings have 1.5-2.0 tillers per plant and the soil is not arid, it must be managed early in the spring; if there is almost no tillering per plant, the soil is arid. The ability to water the wheat field, try to seize the temperature warming time, pouring good frozen water, in order to protect the seedlings for the winter. If it is really because the temperature is too low to be poured into the frozen wheat field, we must observe the soil moisture in time.
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