1. The selected farmed snails have strong resistance, low disease, high reproductive rate, and have low requirements for breeding sites. Ditches, ponds, and river banks can all be stocked.
2. Collect the fresh snails with light brown color, thin shell, round body, and blunt tail. The snails with a body weight of 15-25 g are usually sexually mature and can reproduce at temperatures above 15°C.
3. The optimum growth temperature for the breeding of snails is 20-25°C. If the temperature is lower than 15°C or higher than 30°C, the snail will stop feeding. When it is less than 10°C, it will fall into hibernation. Therefore, most areas in the south of the Yangtze River can be stocked from March to November. If stocking in a natural area, put 11 kinds of snails per 1m2. If the digging pond is single-cultured, 100-150 can be placed per 1m2. The stocking depth should be 08-12m. The bottom of the pool should retain a layer of mud more than 10cm to facilitate snail crawling, feeding, and habitat. Female and male snails are stocked at the same time when stocking.
4, feed feeding snails for omnivorous animals. Aquatic plants, algae, soil humus, vegetables, melon leaves are the main foods. Fertile paddy field, fish pond polyculture or water surface red yew, water hyacinth, water lily pond, can be less voted or not vote feed.
5. Breeding and harvesting of snails. Every year from April to May in the south and from September to October (some can be extended to November) is the breeding season of snails. General female snails give birth in batches, 20-30 snails can be produced each time, and female snails over 4 years of age can produce 40-50 snails each time. After mother snails are born, it takes 14-16 months to reproduce again. The newly produced snails weigh about 0.15g, and after being raised for 6 months, they reach about 3.2g. After 9 months, they can reach about 4.4g. During the summer and early autumn, the water temperature is relatively high. At noon, snails are mostly found in rocks, mud, and grass. During this period, snails must be collected in the morning and evening and can also be drained.
2. Collect the fresh snails with light brown color, thin shell, round body, and blunt tail. The snails with a body weight of 15-25 g are usually sexually mature and can reproduce at temperatures above 15°C.
3. The optimum growth temperature for the breeding of snails is 20-25°C. If the temperature is lower than 15°C or higher than 30°C, the snail will stop feeding. When it is less than 10°C, it will fall into hibernation. Therefore, most areas in the south of the Yangtze River can be stocked from March to November. If stocking in a natural area, put 11 kinds of snails per 1m2. If the digging pond is single-cultured, 100-150 can be placed per 1m2. The stocking depth should be 08-12m. The bottom of the pool should retain a layer of mud more than 10cm to facilitate snail crawling, feeding, and habitat. Female and male snails are stocked at the same time when stocking.
4, feed feeding snails for omnivorous animals. Aquatic plants, algae, soil humus, vegetables, melon leaves are the main foods. Fertile paddy field, fish pond polyculture or water surface red yew, water hyacinth, water lily pond, can be less voted or not vote feed.
5. Breeding and harvesting of snails. Every year from April to May in the south and from September to October (some can be extended to November) is the breeding season of snails. General female snails give birth in batches, 20-30 snails can be produced each time, and female snails over 4 years of age can produce 40-50 snails each time. After mother snails are born, it takes 14-16 months to reproduce again. The newly produced snails weigh about 0.15g, and after being raised for 6 months, they reach about 3.2g. After 9 months, they can reach about 4.4g. During the summer and early autumn, the water temperature is relatively high. At noon, snails are mostly found in rocks, mud, and grass. During this period, snails must be collected in the morning and evening and can also be drained.
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