The strong tree vigor and high yield can not be separated from the seedling management. The seedling management promotes the growth of the root system. The growth of the root system directly affects the seedling drawing. Therefore, the following points can be used to protect the leaves and strengthen the young trees. The photosynthetic and phototrophic nutrients loosen to the roots of the seedlings, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting seedling growth.
Site selection
The golden orchard orange orchard should be built in sandy loam or loam, which requires high oxygen content in the soil. The loose soil and deep soil layer help the growth of seedlings (the soil thickness is more than 60cm, which ensures the distribution of most of the roots).
Soil management
Deeply digging holes: When the citrus seedlings are cultivated, the soil needs to be periodically deep-expanded and expanded. After the seedlings are planted, the extensions of the original planting holes are not left to partition. The depth of deep turning is more than 40cm, which is reasonable. The best time to expand the hole is between May and October. Because the temperature during this time is relatively high, the organic matter put into the soil is more likely to be decomposed, but it must be when expanding the hole. Care should be taken to avoid periods of drought so as not to aggravate citrus drought.
Sowing grass cultivation: Planting grass or pasture between saplings. When deep plowing, the grasses in the rows are not deep-turned. Instead, they are cut short by using a knife. The grass can increase the diversity of the soil. Sexuality helps to maintain soil moisture, but also increases the diversity of soil organisms and maintains soil fertility to reduce production costs.
Planting time
Citrus is more common in spring planting (after the spring shoots turn green), and the temperature in spring rises and rain is abundant, and the survival rate is high; there are also autumn plants and winter plants. The autumn planting is carried out after the autumn shoots mature, and the winter planting is carried out before the spring buds are sprouted. The advantage of autumn and winter planting is that the root system has a long repair period. The disadvantage is that the autumn roots are easily damaged and cause the young trees to bloom and affect the growth. The plant is susceptible to freezing damage, and the picking is not neat in the coming year.
Irrigation and drainage facilities
Drainage facilities: Drainage trenches need to be established for leveling the land. The depth of the ditch is generally 30cm wide and 50cm deep. The land that is not suitable for water accumulation can be drained along every line along the production line; the orchards in the paddy fields should be changed to high orchards. Drainage trenches shall be excavated between each row; the diversion trench shall be excavated in the mountainous area along the assembly line, and storm water shall be eliminated in a timely manner to prevent rainwater erosion of the seedlings and water and soil erosion.
Irrigation facilities: Conditional growers establish drip irrigation and micro-sprinkler irrigation design, and they can pour in dry conditions, especially for poor mountain water retention.
Seedling treatment: The planted Australopithecus seedlings were trimmed, and the main roots of the apical roots were also cut off and the root flours were cut off. Some of the branches and leaves were also cut off.
Backfilling of planting points: There are surface soils mixed into organic fertilizers after decomposed and backfilling planting holes to form a small planting hole 25cm above the ground; planting holes can be added with organic fertilizer containing microbial bacteria.
Planting: After treatment, seedlings are planted in small planting holes so that the roots of the citrus must be stretched (to avoid direct contact of the roots with organic fertilizers). After planting for half a day, the water should be poured through water and compacted.
Post-plant management
During the first month of planting, the soil should be kept moist, no water droplets should come out from the hands, and loose soil should spread naturally. Otherwise watering in time, can not be eager to fertilize to avoid the effects of fertilizer damage. Generally about 15 days after colonization, the roots begin to repair and grow. After about 1 month, the sprouts can be withdrawn and the new shoots can be fertilized after being extracted. The principle of fertilization is to apply the principle of "thin and diligently apply" to the application of rooting humic acid water-soluble fertilizer.
Gold tree fertilization
When fertilizing the saplings, pay attention to the thin and hard-working facilities. The young saplings in Sichuan area will be drawn 3 or 4 times a year.
Determine the amount of fertilization: Before determining the amount of fertilization, analyze the leaves of the young trees and the living soil. Do not make blind fertilization. The fertilization amount before July is 2/3 of the whole year.
Fertilization method
Spreading: Spreading is generally used when soil moisture is high, but there is no rain erosion and no loss is caused in the soil. Spread fertilization is to spread the fertilizer evenly on the canopy of the saplings, close to where the roots are densely concentrated. Because urea is relatively volatile, if the soil is relatively dry, it will easily lead to the loss of nitrogen, so it is generally not used when the soil is dry.
Gully Application: In seasons where rainwater is relatively frequent or relatively dry, fertilization is generally performed by means of furrows in order to prevent rainwater from flushing away the fertilizer. The method of furrowing is to dig trenches for fertilization irrigation outside the projection area of ​​citrus trees. The depth of the ditch is generally 5 to 10cm deep. If the ditch is too deep, it can easily damage the roots of the citrus. After applying the fertilizer to the soil, stir it well with the soil and re-cover the soil. Be careful not to fertilize in one place and not to be too close to the root of the sapling when applying furrows. This will cause damage to the saplings because the fertilizer is too concentrated.
Foliar spraying: Foliar spray is mainly used to supplement the trace elements in the citrus tree to accelerate the maturity and flowering of the treetops. The concentration of urea is generally controlled at 0.3% to 0.5% when spraying the leaves, and the concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate is controlled at 0.2% to 0.3%. It is best to spray the leaves in the early morning or early evening, because when the stomata on the leaves are the biggest ones, the absorption of nutrients will be better.
Water Management
Moisture Management: Observing Golden Autumn Saplings If in the afternoon, the sign of irrigation is that the leaves of the canopy are rolled up and stretched in the morning, or the earth is excavated to a depth of 20cm to observe the degree of moisture, if the moisture is not enough, pinch Soilless loose soil needs immediate irrigation.
The management of jujube seedlings during the golden autumn has a great influence on the growth of the roots of the citrus seedlings, the shoots of the canopy, the stability of the oranges, and the high yield. Therefore, the fruit farmers should pay attention to them.
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