The domestication of bamboo rats is the key to the success or failure of breeding bamboo rats. Choose a wild bamboo rat that is disease-free and physically robust as a domesticated object. Bamboo rats that have just been bought back or taken back do not need to be bred in groups immediately. They must be isolated and observed for several days to confirm that they are free of injuries. The two rat cages should be put together for half an hour before the gregarious group to allow the bamboo rat to adapt to the odor of the other party before putting it into the pool. . If there are other bamboo rats in the pond, put a lot of food and let the bamboo rats in the pond busy with eating and dispersing. Then quietly put the bamboo rat in the pool, preferably in the evening, and observe it for about 10 minutes. Fight non-stop, should be caught out and reared separately for a period of time before gregarious. Bamboo rats just bought should pay attention to tame food. The bamboo rat has a characteristic that it is difficult to change once a fixed food structure is formed. Therefore, we must first understand its source. If it is grown in bamboo groves, it should be bred and fed with fresh bamboo. If it is caught in the awns, it must be fed with Miscanthus roots. If it is impossible to understand its origin, use various foods for feeding. . After successful gluttony, they can transition to diversified feeds and gradually change to artificially cultivated sweet potatoes, bamboo, corn, elephant grass stalks, sugarcane, etc., and then domesticate and feed compound feeds such as rice, chicken ingredients, minerals, vitamins, etc. . Taming food requires patience and gradual transition. China Agricultural Network Editor

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