Many farmers prefer to use the nearest principle when fertilizing fruit trees, because they feel that fruit trees have a good absorption effect. In fact, this will reduce the utilization rate of fertilizers and may even cause a reduction in production. The correct method is as follows:
Roots with deep distribution of fruit trees need to be properly deepened, and vice versa. It is also important to note that organic fertilizers are slow to decompose and have a long fertilizer supply period. They can be applied in depth. For densely planted orchards, they can be applied deep in rows and shallowly applied between plants. It is best not to hurt or damage the roots.
The absorption of fertilizers by fruit trees is mainly accomplished by root hairs in roots. Fertilizing in root hairs can increase the utilization of fertilizers and increase production and income. Apples, peaches, plums and other fruit trees have a shallow root distribution of about 40 cm. Pears, grapes, and other fruit trees have a deep root distribution of about 80 cm.
Indoor Hydroponics Grow Kit
hydroponics system-nutrient technique (NFT)
NFT does not give average support to roots. Typically, the roots sit in a long sloping channel irrigation (Fig. 1.1). The nutrient is introduced into the high class of the canal and allowed to flow over the roots after which it drains into the nutrient tank. This is then re-pumped back into the channel to repeat the watering process.
This feed cycle can be intermittent or continuous. An & lsquo; The intermittent 'rss cycle is controlled by the clock and repeated several times per hour. this is sometimes called the "NFT pulse". The NFT pulse usually achieves better aeration of the roots as the roots are exposed to air between each feed. A & lsquo; continuous' rss cycle works non-stop. This is often used in commercial operations.
You can easily grow your favorite flowers at home without muddy mess and need to water your plants regularly.
Hydroponics is an ideal way to grow plants in urban areas. This makes it a great hobby that helps you to relax and it is fun to watch the hydroponic plants grow in the garden nft.
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