Capsicum disease prevention

First, earnestly implement the plant protection policy of “prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control”, and do a good job in comprehensive prevention and control measures such as agriculture, ecology and chemistry:

(1) Implementing crop rotation, deep turning and soil modification, combined with deep turning, soil spraying “free deep tillage” conditioning agent, adding organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and micro-fertilizer, applying appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, improving soil structure and improving fertilizer and water retention performance. Promote the development of root systems and robust plants.

(2) Select resistant varieties; strictly disinfect the seeds and cultivate sterile and strong seedlings; spray the plant growth regulators and protective agents twice on the 7th day and the day before planting to ensure that the seedlings enter the room and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

(3) Before planting, the fired soil and high temperature diverticulum shall be used to eliminate residual bacteria in the house. After planting, closed management shall be strictly implemented to prevent invasion and spread of diseases by foreign germs.

(4) Combine root dressing and other pests and diseases, improve the adaptability and stress resistance of tomato plants, improve photosynthesis efficiency, and promote plant robustness.

(5) Add carbon dioxide gas fertilizer, do a good job in fertilizer and water management, regulate the relationship between plant vegetative growth and reproductive growth, promote plant growth and growth, improve nutrition level and enhance disease resistance.

(6) Cover the mulch film comprehensively, strengthen the ventilation, adjust the temperature of the greenhouse and the relative humidity of the air, keep the temperature at 25-30 °C during the day, maintain the temperature at 14-18 °C at night, and control the relative humidity of the air below 70% to facilitate The normal growth and development of pepper is not conducive to the development of disease infection, and achieve the purpose of disease prevention and control.

(7) Pay attention to observation and find a small amount of diseased leaf fruit, immediately remove the deep burial, and find the stem stem disease, immediately use 200 times 70% mancozeb solution to spread the lesions and eradicate the pathogen.


Second, the chemical control technology:

1. Prevention: From the seedling stage, Olympus (Frost Bell) 50ml water 30 kg spray, 5-7 days.

Treatment: mild disease: Frost Bell 50ml + Foliar Fertilizer 25ml, 15kg spray with water, 3 to 5 days, once every 2 to 3 times. In the middle and late stages of the disease: use Aoli-ke (Frost Bell) 75ml + garlic oil 15ml, 30 pounds of water spray, 3 days, once every 2-3 times.

2, 38% cream Cyproteril 800 times solution, or 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 600 times solution, or 64% anti-bacterial vanadium M8 wettable powder 500 times liquid, or 25% metalaxyl WP 700 times solution, or 56% azoxystrobin chlorothalonil 600 times solution, 4% pyrimidine nucleoside antibiotic 500 times solution, or 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times solution, or 77% can kill WP 400 times solution, or 1:1:200 Bordeaux mixture, or 72% gram dew wettable powder 500 times solution, or 72.2% Plex water agent 600 times solution to 700 times solution, or 40% cream Wettable powder 200 times solution.

3, 45% chlorothalonil aerosol 667 square meters of 250 g ~ 300 g. The spraying interval is 7 days to 10 days, 2 times to 3 times in a row, especially when the weather is fine after the rain in May-June, pay attention to timely spraying, and the control effect is better. In addition, it can also be used to administer the root of the drug solution, which can be used with 50% nail cream copper WP 600 times solution, or 30% nail cream carbendazim 600 times solution, or 25% metalaxyl WP 700 times solution. Or 72% grams of anti-gelable WP 600 times solution to root the diseased and surrounding plants, 250 grams per liquid, 1 or 2 times, interval 5 days to 7 days.


Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. ,