Winter cut eight fruit trees

According to the time, winter shear is too early to be affected by freezing, and it affects yields too late, early-maturing varieties are properly cut early, late-maturing varieties are properly cut late, strong trees are cut early, weak trees are cut later, and young trees are cut when they germinate.

According to the age of the young trees, select the tree shape, first promote the slowness; the early fruit period, cut the skeleton in winter, and promote flower growth, control the vegetative growth to reproductive growth and transformation; fruit period, update rejuvenation, high yield, try not to control The phenomena of age and size prolong the period of full fruit; during the senescence period, they are retracted, and the strong branches and buds take the lead, and they are rejuvenated and the old trees are rejuvenated.

According to the tree potential, the weak trees need to be short-cut, and the sparse flower buds should be as few as possible or ineffective, and the internal nutrients of the tree body should be increased. For low-yield Wangshu should open the angle as far as possible, lightly cut long-term, control its back branch, promote oblique branch, first put back contraction, culture the inner branch.

According to the flower buds, every flower must fight for each other, lightly cut the result branches, leaving the middle and long branches that may become flowers, and start the middle and long branches without flower buds during the post-flower cutting to prevent the second year from being a big year and large. The annual tree needs to update the branches and branches, spend more on flower buds, flowers and fruits, and guard against the appearance of size and year. Http://Content/f9d729f2-4d90-4206-8e6f-259a31c7f1d7?cType=2


Vitamins are a type of trace organic substances that humans and animals must obtain from food in order to maintain normal physiological functions. In terms of physiological functions, vitamins are neither a raw material for tissues nor a substance for supplying energy, but they are an indispensable substance for the body. It has many types and different chemical structures. Most of them are the components of the coenzyme (or prosthetic group) of certain enzymes. They are the indispensable compounds for maintaining the normal growth (growth, health, reproduction and production function) of the body. It plays a catalytic role in the body to promote the synthesis and degradation of major nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.), thereby controlling metabolism. Vitamins are essentially low-molecular organic compounds. They cannot be synthesized in the body, or the amount synthesized is difficult to meet the needs of the body, so they must be supplied from the outside. The daily requirement of vitamins is very small (usually measured in milligrams or micrograms). They are neither a raw material for body tissues nor a substance for energy supply in the body. However, they do not regulate material metabolism, promote growth and development, and maintain physiological functions.

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