1. Use scientific lighting. In the first month of the hen's egg production, the daily cycle was changed to 28 hours, and according to the 12-hour light and 16-hour dark shift, the average egg weight increased by 10%, and the eggshell was firm with very few small eggs. 2. The chicks are cut at the appropriate time. When chicks have been cut off their chicken cocks within 24 hours of hatching, or when chicks can identify males and females, picking female chicks to cut the comb will not only save feed, but also avoid various chicken crowns. After the start of production, the egg production rate can also be increased. 3. Days to feed. Modern studies have shown that egg yolks and egg whites form during the day and eggshells form in the afternoon or night. Layers should be fed twice a day, dinner to increase calcium content, breakfast contains 19% -19.5% of crude protein per kilogram of feed, calcium 5.5% - 6%, not only can adjust the laying cycle, increase egg production, It also saves feed. 4. Eliminating low-yielding chickens. When chickens are 34--38 weeks old, 50 and 65 weeks old, eliminating low-yielding chickens will help improve the production environment of the flock. The characteristics of low-yielding chickens are: dry, wrinkled, pale, and yellow head, beak, and neck. 5. Phosphorus and trace elements. The addition of 4--10 kg of calcium hydrogen phosphate per ton of feed can reduce the mortality of fatigue in green shell laying hens. Phosphorus is required to maintain a high survival rate, growth rate and egg production rate under heat stress conditions. In the peak period of laying chickens, the content of available phosphorus in the diet was 0.45%--0.5% (total phosphorus 0.65%--0.75%), and the available phosphorus in the old chicken diet gradually decreased to 0.4% (total phosphorus 0.75%) ), The content of available phosphorus in the chicken during the whole growth period was maintained at 0.5%. Supplementing the appropriate amount of zinc in the dry diet of laying hens can increase the number of enzymes in the liver of the chicken and increase the laying rate. If supplemented with adequate amount of manganese in the diet, the number of soft shell eggs produced by the laying hens can be significantly reduced. 6. Timely interruptions. There are 3 preferred periods of chicken deafness: 6- to 9-week-old, 10- to 14-week-old, and 18- to 20-week-old. Or to repair the previously severed chickens, it is possible to make cuts or trimming of those that have been cut, cut, pointed, or deformed. China Agricultural Network Editor
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