The pigeons are young birds within 4 weeks of age. The young pigeons are delicate and delicious and are nutritious, health and nourishing foods that combine food and medicine. If the pigeons are bred with good techniques, introduction, brooding, disease prevention and sales, the breeding efficiency can be greatly improved. 1. The technical training practitioners should learn and master pigeon-breeding techniques before constructing and introducing the crops. They must learn through technical training or purchase some books and newspapers for pigeon breeding. They must not be trained without training. The people in the pigeon industry are engaged in management, otherwise it will cause incalculable losses. 2. It is necessary to grasp the quality and price of breeding pigeons when introducing seedlings. Excellent breeding pigeons have strong immunity and disease resistance, and fertilization rate and hatching rate are high. The pigeons grow fast. They are nurtured for 25 days by the pigeons. The pigeons grow to more than 500 grams and can be put on the market for sale. The introduction must go to the licensed breeding farm and distinguish between breeding pigeons and commodity pigeons. This will reduce the risk of introduction and increase the success rate. The price of the breeding pigeons is determined by the quality, the month (years) of age and the sales service for the breeding units. The price of breeders with good variety and good service is naturally expensive. Therefore, at the time of introduction, while paying attention to the quality of the breeding pigeons, pigeons of different months and ages should be introduced, which can reduce the investment cost of the previous period. 3. The brooding pigeons have the characteristics of easy feeding, fast growth, low cost, stable benefits and strong adaptability. The pigeons are fed on the basis of the pigeon milk produced in the pigeons of the pro-pigeon digestive system. The young pigeons are 2-3 days before hatching. The pigeons are prepared for brooding and the food intake increases. After the hatchlings hatched, pigeons in the parent pigeons secrete pigeon milk, and the relatives of the relatives and young pigeons suck their beaks. In the first week, all-slurry feeding was conducted. Afterwards, the feed was soaked and softened after being eaten by the relatives of pigeons. After 3-4 days of age, the pigeons have increased their food intake and their digestion capacity has increased. The pro-pigeon pigeons have been fed with pigeons for up to 10 times. Therefore, the nutrition provided to the pro pigeons is higher and the amount of beans can be increased. The pigeon was 10 days old and the food fed by the pro pigeons became half-grain. At the age of 15 days, the feed fed by the pro-pigeon was pellets, but it was the same as the feed it was eating. At the age of 20-25 days, the pro-pigeon begins to force the pigeons to live independently. At this time, the supply of high-protein feed should be increased. The pigeons must be stocked at the age of 20 to 25 when the ratio of meat to meat is the most cost-effective and the weight is also suitable. . Breeding pigeons can continue to stay with the relatives of pigeons. When they can live independently from 28 to 30 days of age, the pigeons can be caught in time. The breeding pigeons should try to supply fine particles and good quality feed. After 1-2 days, the pigeons can feed on their own. 4. After the pigeons have been put out of the shell, the pro-pigeon will carefully care for their offspring. However, there are many problems in the production that are not taken care of by the pro-pigeons. They need careful care by the management staff. After three to four days of hatching, the meat pigeons have large food intake and excrement. They can easily contaminate the nests. They should prepare more clean linen and replace them in time, because the pigeons' body resistance is very poor at this time and they are most susceptible to disease. At 10 days of age, some of the pigeons could not fully adapt to the half-pellet feed and often experienced indigestion and gingivitis. The pigeons could be fed with 1/4 pieces of yeast tablets. After a few young birds of 15 days of age have laid eggs, they are inadvertently feeding the pigeons. The pigeons should be fed manually to ensure their normal growth. At the age of 20-25 days, each feed should not be fed too much, so as to avoid eating too much of the pigeons and feeding the pigeons too full. In order to prevent cats, mice and all kinds of snakes from damaging the young birds, we must reinforce the lofts and pigeon cages to prevent cats, rats and snakes from drilling in. Secondly, we must check the number of eggs and the number of pigeons and young birds every day. , find problems solved in time. The method of drinking water is the most commonly used method in pigeon farms. In the early stage of illness, pigeons often have reduced food intake or completely ate, but their drinking water has not decreased or increased. When using this method, it is necessary to pay attention to the solubility of the drug, to grasp the time of administration, and to accurately calculate the amount of drug solution and drug concentration. 5, sales of breeding pigeons should be good at predicting market conditions. The gap in the pigeon market is huge, and the supply is in short supply, but it is not saying that there is no risk. The pigeon consumption market has a demand standard whether it is domestic or foreign. High quality pigeons are sure to sell well in the market, but if they are poor quality pigeons, there is a market risk if they do not meet the quality standards. After China's accession to wto, the cost of feed has fallen, and the pigeon market will continue to be optimistic for the past 3-5 years. If we strengthen the cultivation of leading enterprises, the development of deep-processing projects, and the implementation of science and industrialization strategies for disease prevention and drug use, the pigeon industry will be able to go abroad in the competition for accession to the WTO and enter the international market.