The first discovery of a hidden vascular network in a long bone of a human or a similar system is expected to bring a new treatment

The first discovery of a hidden vascular network in a long bone of a human or a similar system is expected to bring a new treatment

January 22, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Zhang Meng Ran

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The British "Natural Metabolism" published a medical discovery online on the 21st: German scientists first observed a network of capillaries in the long bones of mice. These tiny capillaries pass through the bones, connecting the bone marrow to the wider circulatory system. . This discovery not only confirms a long-standing theoretical hypothesis, but also hopes to bring new treatments for bone inflammation and tissue damage to humans.

One hypothesis that has long existed is that blood passes through the arteries at one end of the bone or a small number of blood vessels along the backbone into long bones (such as the tibia), then passes through the bone marrow and flows out from the other end. However, this transmission path does not explain how emergency drug infusions for the bone marrow spread quickly to other parts of the body.

This time, the researcher of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Masias Kunze and his colleagues, using the latest technology to image the mouse tibia, found that the humeral cortex is covered with hundreds of hairs. Blood vessels, and named it "transcortical blood vessels" (TCV). They believe that this seems to be the core component of the skeletal system of the mouse bone. It is found by calculation that most of the blood passing through the bone flows through the TCV.

In addition, the researchers also found similar but denser capillaries in human long bones, but further research is needed to confirm whether they belong to the same "transcortical blood vessels."

The research team also directly observed the migration of immune cells through the “cortical blood vessels”, which may provide a “shortcut” to connect the bone marrow to the site of inflammation. In the mouse model of chronic osteoarthritis, it was found that a new "transcortical blood vessel" can be formed within a few weeks.

If the next step is to determine the direct link between it and the inflammatory disease, then these findings will greatly assist in the development of novel therapies that treat bone inflammation and tissue by regulating blood flow or cell migration through the cortical blood vessels. damage.

Yellow Waxy Corn Cut

Colored sticky corn is generally white, yellow, red, purple and black, among which white, yellow and purple corn are the basic colors. If the purple gene of the purple-white hybrid "beats" the white gene, it will naturally become purple, and vice versa, so if the two are tied, we will see white and purple corn. Purple can become red and black corn, or as we often say, "red is purple and black is purple".

Among these colorful corn, the most common Yellow Waxy Corn is the most nutritious because it is rich in carotene.

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Waxy Corn Cut,Glutinous Corn Cut,Yellow Waxy Corn Cut,Yellow Glutinous Corn Cut

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