First, timely exchange of species of rams. In general, a flock of male rams needs to be replaced after two years of continuous use. The best is to exchange with the same breed and ram in other sheep so that it can guarantee the mating quality of the sheep and can effectively avoid the inbreeding and the best of both worlds.
Second, the species of rams should be raised separately. That is to say, the male and female sheep in the mutton sheep breeding farm should be raised in separate laps. When the ewes are in heat, the ewes and rams are drawn out and artificially assisted breeding. When choosing a sheep, use a ram with a distant ancestry for breeding.
Third, an artificial insemination station is established in villages with a large number of sheep. The fertilization station should establish a file system, including a sheep breeding registration form, a lamb registration form, and an offspring determination record form. With these archives, the kinship is clear, and the seeds can be selected and matched in a planned manner to avoid inbreeding.
In the end, it is still necessary to remind you in a nutshell: Preventing sheep from mating is the basic sheep-raising technique that must be understood by mutton sheep breeders. This error is a very low level error for professional sheep breeders, but every year, there are always Then several people, the situation of stillbirths and abortions in the family's sheep, are mostly caused by the mating of close relatives, and certainly do not rule out other reasons. We advise everyone to be cautious in management.
Millimeter Wave Therapy Machine
What is Millimeter wave therapy?
Millimeter wave is 1-10mm electromagnetic wave, it is equal to frequency range 300GHZ-30GHZ, it is a low power, short wavelength, high frequency electromagnetic wave and locates in interchange of the light wave, also called extremely high frequency electromagnetic wave.
Millimeter wave electro-magnetic therapy is supplemented by way of energy through the meridians, body fluid pathways, neural pathways, to regulate patient immune system.
Millimeter wave application:
Millimeter wave is a kind of green therapy that is safe effective and non-toxic side effects, its unique [Electromagnetic resonance theory of coherent oscillation"and Non-thermal remote effect", have obvious effect on the biological macromolecules, cell and visceral organ, can promote the growth of hematopoietic cell, improve the body` s immune system function, promote tissue repair regeneration, promote inflammation absorption and ulcer healing, coordinate the body`s physiological function by the resonance effect of oscillation frequency, thus get a significant biological effects.
Millimeter wave Therapy Machine Main functions
1. Non-thermal effects
Millimeter does not treat diseases via increasing body temperature. In the treatment of diseases, no thermal, no pain, no simulation, an internationally recognized green therapy.
2. Distal effects
Millimeter wave can be conducted through the inter-cell, neural, humeral, an other means of the meridian through the irradiation point on the biological activity, or even the effect of the body up to the depth of the lesion.
3. The cumulative effect of time
Millimeter-wave of cell repair and adjusting will take some time, with the increase in the number of treatments:the more intense the millimeter-wave effect on the biological effects of the body, the treatment effect is more obvious.
Millimeter-wave therapy can be applied to many special occasions, either as a single therapy, or combined with a variety of other medical methods for safe usage.
Millimeter Wave Therapy,Millimeter Wave Therapy Machine,Wave Therapy Machine,Millimeter Therapy Machine
Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. ,