Prevention and treatment of common frog diseases in the United States

Artificially cultivated American frogs are susceptible to aquatic mycosis and sword leeches during hatching; they are susceptible to air bubble disease, hemorrhagic disease, gastroenteritis, and trichoderma disease during the pupa period; common larvae and adult frogs have common diseases. Gastroenteritis, red leg disease, ascites disease, gas ringworm disease, snoring neck disease, rickets, cataract, hepatitis, etc. 1. Bacteromycosis When the water temperature is below 17°C and the water quality is poor, the frogs on the fertilized eggs of the frogs can easily grow on the water. Prevention and control: 1 Before hatching, strictly disinfect the water body and adopt microfluidic method for hatching. 2 Disinfect fertilized eggs with 0.5ppm malachite green, sooner or later. 2. The sword water cricket leeches will swallow a large number of fertilized eggs and newly hatched crickets. Prevention Use a dense mesh cloth to cover the hatching cage to prevent the invasion of the sword leeches, or spill the enemy's larvae (1ppm) into the pool water. 3. The air bubble disease is filled with air bubbles in the intestines, and the abdomen expands and travels to die. Prevention and control: 1 Keep the water clean and fresh, prevent the water from becoming too fat and deteriorate, and increase the water exchange during the onset. 2 Quanchiposa salt solution (3ppm), and stop eating 2 to 3 days. 4. Hemorrhagic disease causes redness around the anus and bleeding spots on the abdomen and tail. The disease is contagious and has a high mortality rate. Prevention: 1 Maintain good water quality, fresh feed, variety and variety. 2 Dilute with 1.2 million units of penicillin and 1 million units of streptomycin for every 30 minutes. 5. Gastroenteritis disease, redness of gastrointestinal congestion, swimming power, no eating, 7 to 10 days or so. Sick frogs are weak in body and weak in limbs. The head often drills into the mud in the pool and does not eat. The anatomy shows gastrointestinal inflammation and congestion. Prevention and control: 1 Do not feed on corrupt feed, wash the food table frequently, and remove residual feed in time. 2 For the quail that can still eat, mix the stomach slices or yeast tablets in the feed. For those who do not eat, they use a norfloxacin solution for the medicinal bath. 3 For the treatment of diseased frogs, each frog is fed a quarter to one-half piece of yeast tablets every day for 4 to 6 consecutive days; alternatively, penicillin is injected orally from the frog body weight. 6. Trichodinosis: There are spots of grayish gray on the tail of the acarid, and when it is severe, it is rotted and discolored, making it difficult to breathe. Prevention: 1 immediately change the new water, reduce the breeding density. 2 Quanchiposa copper sulfate ferrous sulfate mixture (0.7ppm ~ 1.4ppm). China Agricultural Network Editor


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