Long snails? Artificial breeding, seedlings and aquaculture technical operating procedures

First, artificial breeding
1. The selection of broodstock for broodstock selection is the key to the success of artificial reproduction. The sexual maturity of the fish is generally 4 years, and individuals weighing more than 2.5 kg are usually selected as broodstock. Mature females have shorter genital processes, only 0.5 cm in size. The gonads are wide and round, with a ruddy color and an enlarged abdomen. Obviously, the ovary outline can be seen on the abdomen. The feel is soft and slightly elastic. The male should choose the genital cusp to be long, about 1 cm. Although it is usually not easy to extrude semen, it can be used as long as the end is bright red. The ratio of males to females is 5:1 when using artificial insemination, and 1:1 or 2:3 when using natural fertilization.
2. The oxytocin production uses LRH-A and carp pituitary gland (PG). It can be used alone or in combination, especially when mixed. There are generally two injection methods, namely, one-needle injection and two-needle injection. The choice of injection method and dose can be flexibly controlled according to the maturation of the broodstock, the level of water temperature, and personal habits. In general, females are given a dose of 30 to 50 μg LRH-A per kg body weight and 0.5 to 1.5 catfish pituitary fish, and the male fish is halved. If two injections of females are used, the first needle is 1/5 to 1/4 of the total dose, and the balance is injected with the second needle. The male fish was injected full amount when the female injected a second shot. The time between the two needles is 10 to 12 hours. The injection site is the pectoral fin base or back. The optimum water temperature is 23 to 25°C. The general effect time is 19-22h.
3. Insemination and Incubation Although natural spawning and natural fertilization can be used to obtain fry, it is less frequently used due to its poor efficacy and inability to scale up production and profitability. Large-scale production mostly uses artificial insemination and artificial hatching methods, and its main disadvantage lies in the need to kill male fish.
The length of the long snouts is small, and individuals weighing 3 to 6 kg have absolute fecundity of only 17,000 to 108,000 grains. The first maturing individuals only have thousands of fleshes, and the testis has a flat ribbon. Branching bifurcation, semen is not easily obtained by extrusion.
In the case of long maturation, when the maturation is good, the effect time is reached after oxytocin production, and the eggs are easier to squeeze out and empty. The male fish must be removed by caesarean section into the grinding bowl, cut it with surgical scissors and then add normal saline and egg mixture, stirring with chicken feathers to make sperm and eggs fully mixed and fertilized. The long-kissed egg is a viscous egg, and the mature egg will have a strong viscosity when it encounters water, and the egg membrane will swell and the diameter of the egg will reach 2.5mm-3.0mm. The viscous performance of the fertilized eggs is maintained until the fish hatches, and the unfertilized eggs, over-ripe eggs, and immature eggs turn white after a few hours and lose their viscosity. The fertilized eggs adhere to the spawning nests and are placed in microfluidic water. Incubation water requires dissolved oxygen above 7mg/L, water temperature 22 ~ 25 °C. The pH value is around 8 and the ammonia nitrogen is controlled below 0.03 mg/L. The fertilization rate is determined after 15 h. Embryo body twisting period should be promptly removed dead eggs. The optimum incubation water temperature is 24 to 26°C. Below 20°C or above 28°C, it is not conducive to hatching. There are two sensitive periods in the embryonic development: the original intestinal period and the pre-release period. Therefore, in this period, sufficient attention should be paid to the control of water quality, dissolved oxygen, flow rate, and water temperature.
After larvae are released, it takes 6 to 7 days before the fish can be sold or temporarily raised and cultivated (preferably with a small cage).
Second, fry and fingerlings are incubated 4 to 5 days after hatching. The mouth of the fry has jaw teeth and can eat egg yolk, blisters, and minced fish. When the yolk sac line will disappear, the larvae will be able to swim freely and take food initiatively, and the fish body is grayish black, this is the real splash fry. During the holding period of the temporary culture and nursery ponds, there are mainly three “maintenances”: the exchange of water bodies with large flows and small flow rates; the maintenance of fresh water and stable water temperature conditions; the maintenance of fry without accumulation and the feeding from the 4th day yolk.
1. Fry cultivation
(1) The seedling pond in the nursery pond is preferably a dozen or more to four or ten square meters and a depth of 1.0 to 1.5m in the cement pool. The corners are rounded, and the bottom is slightly sloped to facilitate drainage. Of course, the pool is larger or smaller. Some of these can also be used for seedlings, but they are not conducive to large-scale production and workers' operations. There is a drain valve on the bottom side of the pool and the water level can be adjusted as required. The inlet valve is located above the pool surface at the other end (the incoming water must be sieved). The water used for fry cultivation is not large, but the water source is required to be clean and pollution-free. Usually, surface water such as reservoirs, brooks, and lakes is preferred. If tap water or deep well water is used, it must be thoroughly used before being used. It is best to use oxygen-increasing equipment. The ponds and fertilizers should not be used as water sources for seedlings.
(2) The stocking density of good nursery seedlings of pooled stocks can reach 800/m2 (about 1cm seedlings), and the general seedling seedlings have a density of about 100 to 400 tails.
(3) The seedlings managed by the seedling management can be fed with the cooked egg yolk pulp filtered by gauze. For 10,000 fry, 1 to 2 egg yolks are used, and the fine blisters filtered by a 40 mesh sieve cloth can also be fed. A 40-square-meter cultivating pool should be fed with leeches at a rate of about 1.3kg at a time. Afterwards, the larvae are properly replenished according to the specific conditions of fry eating. With the growth of the fry, you can eat larger leeches. From the 7th day, you can eat some leeches. Water lice (red worms), but leeches do not need to be filtered. 2cm fry can only feed leeches.
When the pool is just under water, the water should be shallow and should not be deep, generally 40cm is appropriate. When the fry is 1.5cm, the water can be deepened to 60cm to 80cm. When the fry is 2.5cm to 3.0cm, the water depth can be added to 1m. During the cultivation of seedlings, attention should be paid to timely changing of water. One-time water change should not exceed 2/3 of the original pool water. Water quality requirements of the seedlings: dissolved oxygen above 5mg/L, pH value of 7.0 ~ 8.5, hardness of about 8 (German degree), ammonia nitrogen is about 0.03mg/L.
Because the long kiss is very afraid of light, so the transparency of the pool should not be too large, you can take some shading measures, such as shading sheds (mostly in the deep water). Because there is no phenomenon of weak meat, it is not necessary to carry out multi-stage screening, in addition to the long kiss, the price of fry is more expensive, and the thick raising method of fertilizer ponds should not be used during the fry stage. With suitable conditions, it can be cultivated to 3.3cm long after about 15d. Then change the pool to sparsely cultivated to about 5cm, and then under the pond for adult culture.
(4) Precautions Water should be tested before laying seedlings, that is, playing a bucket of bottom water before putting the seedlings, and put a few long-kissed fishes. For fry, observe for 2 hours (sometimes it takes half a day), if there is no abnormality, put the seedling into Pool.
Note that the water brought by the fry transport should be consistent with the pool water temperature, and the temperature difference cannot exceed 2°C.
The fish seedlings were sterilized with 3% salt water before going down the pond.
Put the seedlings as late as possible and cover the shade the next morning to prevent fry from fry.
Before the seedlings are released, they should be fed so that they can eat enough food.
When the seedlings are released, they should be handled with care, with both feet sliding and avoid stepping on fry.
2. Fish breeding
(1) Feeding of live bait at the stage of switching to domesticated fry, 5cm after transfer to feed or chilled fish.
Trans-food and domestication should be carried out in cement pools, and should be carried out in earthen ponds of 1 mu (1/15 hectares) or more after switching to food.
The density of the 5cm fish fry in the domestication pool is about 100. After 1 to 2 days, it can be fed with artificial feed that has been changed to feed. The method of tracking and feeding should be adopted first, and then it should be gradually transferred to fixed-point feeding. It is best to set the bait station.
(2) The feed can be prepared by using fishmeal, flour and attractant, and the crude protein content should be about 55%. Lure attractants can also be used as ground meat, quail or eggs. The amount is 100g to 150g per 500g of dry feed plus attractant. The use of dipping material is also very good, but it can also be mixed with minced chilled and dipping material. Daily feeding is about 4 times, and the amount of feeding is 15% of the weight of the fish. After about 8 days of domestication, the amount of the attractant can be reduced day by day, and the feed without the attractant can be administered after 3 days.
(3) Feed Management Feed should be palatable and must not be mildewed. You can vote more in the evening (long kiss? Night food), every other month with oxytetracycline or chloramphenicol mixed feed to feed fish, prevent enteritis and bleeding.
Pay attention to the quality of the water, diligently discharge the sewage, and feed the table frequently. Splash lime once a month (30ppm).
For long-kissing activities, if you find that there is a large number of fish in the water layer and the head is facing upwards and your mouth is constantly snaking, it is a dark floating head and you should immediately take oxygen and other measures.
Third, the most successful culture method for adult fish breeding is the micro-fluid water pond monoculture.
1. Fish pond conditions
1 ~ 5 acres, depth 1.3 ~ 2.0m, mud bottom is ideal. Easy access to water, good water quality, equipped with aerator or micro-flowing water.
2. Fish stocking density: 5cm fry put 2500 per acre, or about 1100 tails per acre about 45g fish species, or 400~500 tail fishes with a tail weight of 250~400g, and the other with 200g axillary 50 ~ 100 tails, 25 to 50 tails, carnivorous fish.
3. The feed can be fed with compound feeds, chilled fish or a mixture of both, the protein requirement is 40% to 42%, the energy to protein ratio is about 103, the amino acid index is between 36.3 and 40.8, and the material can also be used, but the price is lower expensive.
4. Feeding and management of long-sweat juvenile fish feeding and growth of the optimum temperature of 25 °C, the suitable temperature zone is 20 ~ 30 °C, the initial temperature of 15 °C. When the water temperature was 10 °C, no feed intake was observed, and the feed conversion rate was significantly lower when the water temperature was higher than 30 °C. In view of this, according to the specific circumstances, the amount of feed can be increased or decreased to maintain good water quality. Oxygen consumption rate of long kisses is almost twice as high as that of domestic fish, and it is particularly intolerant to hypoxia. Once individuals with discolored eyes and no bright eyes are found, it is usually difficult to save. The daily feed is about 1.5% to 3% of the fish's body weight. Set the number of fishponds according to the size of the pond. Normally, about a mu of fish ponds have 6 feed stations. The diseases at the adult stage are mainly parasitic diseases such as enteropathies and anchorheads.
IV. Disease Prevention
1. Etiology of hemorrhagic disease: The preliminary study was caused by bacteria.
Symptoms: The fin base and the fish's abdomen are red and congested. Some of the diseased fish are constantly spinning or manic in the water and die shortly afterwards.
Preventive methods: There are currently no special treatment methods. It can be prevented by the following method. First, every 40d with 40ppm of lime water Quanchiposa; second is to regulate the water temperature, so that the water temperature is less than 30 °C; Third, with bleach or strong chlorine Quanchiposa, while using chloramphenicol mixed feed fish.
2. Ectomatosis etiology: more than a small melon parasitic parasites, fins and body surface.
Incidence season: early winter and late spring.
Symptoms: The body surface, fins or ankles have many small white punctate vesicles visible to the naked eye, so it is also called "white spot disease." When the condition is serious, the body surface is covered with a white film. The sick fish swim slowly and floats on the water surface.
Control methods: In the early stage of disease, use formalin or 2ppm-5ppm methylene blue and 0.1ppm mercuric nitrate per pool to disinfect the whole fish, soak the diseased fish with 0.7ppm nitrite for 18-20min, soak it again every other day and feed it to the pond. The effect is remarkable.
Note: Long kisses are extremely sensitive to mercury nitrite, so the soaking time must be accurate. The disease cannot be treated with copper sulfate or salt.
3. Causes of gill disease: columnar bacillus. Generally caused by aging water, smelly bottom water, too much sludge at the bottom of the pool.
Incidence season: 4 to 10 months.
Symptoms: sick fish black body color, outliers alone, do not eat, cocoon rot, with mud, more yellow mucus. The lid and mouth of the dead fish are open, the silk is white, and the end cartilage is exposed.
Control methods: The disease is more harmful to fish species, adult fish and broodstock. The first is to improve the environment to clear the pool bottom silt, more use of lime to disinfect the clear pond; Second, the injection and drainage should be discharged first; the third is to use a 1ppm bleaching powder Quanchiposa or dip with 2% salt water for 10 min, can also be used The nitrofurazone bathes the sick fish until it is intolerable. Can also be oral erythromycin 25 ~ 100mg/kg * d, continuous 4 ~ 5 d.
4. Causes of hookworm disease: The pathogen is hookworm.
Symptoms: fry, broodstock can suffer from this disease, fish weight loss, affecting gonadal development.
Control methods: Use 0.2 to 0.4ppm of 90% crystal trichlorfon Quanchiposa, or 0.7ppm of the chemical solution dip sick fish 1 to 2 times.
5. The cause of enteritis: intestinal type Aeromonas.
Incidence season: 4 to 10 months.
Symptoms: swelling of the abdomen was erythema, anal swelling, light pressure with yellow or red mucus outflow, inflammation of the bowel congestion was bright red or purple.
Control method: Use 1ppm bleach (containing 30% available chlorine) Quanchiposa.
Oral garlic (smashed) 50g/d per 1kg of bait for 3 consecutive days. Sulfamethoxazole or oxytetracycline, every 5g/50kg on the first day, began to halve on the second day, and continued for 6 days as a course of treatment.
6. Causes of complications of trichoderma and slug worms: Trichodin, Trichoderma or Trachemis parasitic parasites and body surface.
Symptoms: increased mucus on the body surface and mucus, swarming around the pool. Sometimes the head is reddish and the ring is grayish. Body weight loss, floating surface or side near the pool edge.
Control methods: Use 0.4ppm copper sulfate, ferrous sulfate mixture (5:2) Quanchiposa, or use 8ppm copper sulfate solution dip fish 20min, can also be used 0.2% formalin dipping 2min.
7. Causes of watery mildew: During fishing and stocking, the fish body was inadvertently scraped and the water mold invaded the wound.
Symptoms: The rapid spread of water mold, cotton-like hyphae adhere to the surface of the fish body.
Control methods: Use 3% salt solution to wash the sick fish for 3 ~ 5min. Or 7ppm malachite green dip 3 ~ 5min, can also be used 0.04% salt and 0.04% baking soda mixture dip. The whole pool can be disinfected with the above mixture Quanchiposa, or with 0.2ppm malachite green Quanchiposa.
8. Cause of anchor head lice disease: Anchor head mistletoe in the fish mouth, body surface and other parts, draw fish nutrition.
Incidence season: 4 to 10 months.
Symptoms: The parasite's parasitic parasites cause irritation and reddening of the parasites and tissue necrosis. The sick fish are uneasy, appetite is diminished, and the fish body is wasted. Control methods: Use 10 ~ 30ppm potassium permanganate to wash for 30 ~ 60min, when severe, use 1ppm crystal trichlorfon dipped in fish, 2 times to cure. Quanchiposa 0.5ppm crystal trichlorfon.
Fifth, safe transportation
1. Fry and fingerlings transport delivery tools: Most of the double-layered fry bags are used for oxygenation, but plastic buckets are also available.
Shipping density: Each bag can hold 5000 fish fry (temperature 28°C) for 7 days, or 400cm for 3cm fry or 200cm for 5cm fry, which can guarantee 10h safe transportation and the survival rate is over 90%. Fry more than 5cm should not be used for long-distance transportation of fry bags, because the fin spines are harder and can pierce the bags. At this point should switch to non-toxic plastic barrels.
2. Adult fish transport should use non-toxic plastic buckets or fish bladders and other non-breakable containers to transport oxygen.
For long-distance transportation (above 300km), a fish tank or fish lining is lined with a plastic bag, and each water body can be filled with about 50kg of fish, and the survival rate is more than 90% for 10 hours.
Short-distance transport can use open canvas or plastic barrel oxygenation method.
Multi-purpose plastic barrels for air transport, barrels with a capacity of 50 kg of water can be oxygenated to transport 500 to 750 g/tail of fish 2 to 4 tails.
If there are conditions, the use of live fish transport is also ideal.
3. Precautions Long kiss? Oxygen consumption is much higher than that of fish, so pay attention to its oxygen needs when transporting.
The operation process should be gentle and fast. Try to reduce irritation and do not damage the fish body.
Before shipment, the fish should be bred (hanging pond) for 3 to 4 hours to let the fish row excrete fecal matter and many mucus to keep the body of water in the fish transport container fresh.
The fish transportation water should be fresh, add a small amount of green toxin tablets, try to choose early, late or cool weather transportation. According to the temperature, weather and other conditions to determine the amount of fish, the summer when the water temperature is high can be appropriate to add ice cooling transport.

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