The saplings that did not result in flowering were vegetative growth stages. The growth of new shoots was large, growth was stopped late, new shoot growth was promoted, multiple lateral branches were prosperous, and grading was accelerated. As soon as possible, multi-leafed and multi-leafed canopies were formed. The main content of management. Fertilization should master the principle of diligence and thin application of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers. The general spring fertilizer is applied from the end of February to the beginning of March, and the late autumn fertilizer is applied at the upper and middle of May. Usually combined with pest control and irrigation for extra-root fertilizer. The tree that is usually planted for one year is applied with 50 kg of livestock and manure water and 0.15 kg of urea. The second year, 50 kg of human and animal manure and 0.2 kg of urea are applied. In the third year, 100 kg of livestock manure and 0.15 kg of urea are applied per plant. 0.25 kg of compound fertilizer; the fourth year applied 100 kg of livestock manure, 0.2 kg of urea, and 0.4 kg of compound fertilizer.