The cultivation technology of film-mulching for sowing in the whole growth period of winter wheat is a new technology of water-saving and drought-resistance high-yield cultivation (abbreviated as film-mulched wheat) established by the research fellow Li Shouqian of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The Ministry of Agriculture listed this new technology as one of the ten key technologies to be promoted throughout the country in 1997. The mechanism of yield increase and cultivation techniques are briefly described as follows:
1, increase production mechanism
(I) Increasing ground temperature and promoting the wheat breeding process Plastic film wheat can significantly increase the temperature under the membrane and accelerate the wheat growth process. Each birth limit is significantly advanced. According to observations, the 5 cm soil temperature of mulching wheat was higher by 0.9°C before winter, 0.1°C higher during wintering, 2.5°C~2.8°C higher after returning green, and 2.7°C higher; the emergence period of mulched wheat was 1-4 days earlier than the control. As early as 6 to 7 days after returning to the Qing period, the period of getting up is 4 to 6 days, the jointing period is 4 to 5 days earlier, the flag-raising period, heading period, flowering period, filling period are all 2 to 3 days earlier, and maturity period is 1 to 2 days in advance .
(B) water conservation, increase wheat drought resistance According to data, mulch film can reduce the evaporation between the invalid 1/2 to 1/3, into the soil moisture significantly increased. The soil moisture content of 0-20cm was measured at our station and in Fukuyama, Kodo-ri, Kasuga Building, and in addition to the frozen soil layer on the surface of the soil taken from the control field on February 19th, the water accumulated in the surface layer, resulting in a higher water content and a higher moisture content. The water content was flat, and the soil moisture content of film-mulched wheat was 0.2-7.4 percentage points higher than that of the control in other periods. The soil moisture content of 20-40 was 1.1-4.2 percentage points higher than the control. According to observation by Fushan District Agricultural Research Institute, wheat heading duration and drought during grain filling period are heavier, control wheat has a wilting phenomenon, and mulch film wheat is still growing normally. Mature period is 2 days later than the control period, and the yield increase rate is 49.4%.
(III) Increased group size per unit area The number of panicles is more than that of mulching wheat has a significant effect of increasing warming and moisture retention, thus beneficially promoting the tillering and growth of wheat. The population is larger, the individual is robust, the number of panicles is increased, and the sowing date is shown to be higher. Late, the greater the role of increasing groups. Four trials and demonstrations showed that the average number of spikes before winter wheat in the film-mulched meadow and the maximum number of tillers in spring were 121,000 and 189,000 more than those in the control, and the number of ears per mu was 21,000 more than the control. Among them: Fukuyama Gatehouse Institute of Agricultural Sciences October 18 planting film of plastic film, the number of tillers per acre before the winter was 1.1 million, more than the number of 325,000 more than the control, the spring of the largest division of labor, the spring maximum number of deliveries of 1.151 million per acre, than The number of comparisons was 563,000, and the number of acres per mu was 347,000, which was 22,000 more than the control.
(D) Individuals are robust, and dry matter accumulation is more suitable for the individual development of mulched wheat. According to my second survey in winter and spring, the number of tillers per plant is 0.72 more than that of the control, and there are more than 2.6 secondary roots per plant. There are more than 0.91 Dabu. Visible membrane wheat root system developed, can expand the absorption range, absorb deep soil moisture, enhance wheat drought resistance, ensure the normal growth of wheat. The area of ​​mulch wheat leaf area is large, and dry matter accumulation is fast. According to the investigation of downtown science park, the leaf area of ​​mulching wheat at each growth stage is larger than that of the control, in which the leaf area coefficient of the flag period is 6.12 and the leaf area coefficient of irrigation is 3.64. It is 0.92 and 0.45 larger than the control, respectively. The dry weight of single plant at the jointing stage was 4.69g, the dry weight of single stem at the flag-shooting stage was 1.69g, and the dry weight of single stem at the filling stage was 2.41g, which was 1.33g, 0.31g, and 0.54g more than the control.
(5) Large panicles and many grains, the higher grain weight temperature effect of plastic film wheat can make the anti-green period of wheat 6 to 7 days ahead of time, while the flag-picking period only advances 1 to 4 days, so that the spikelet differentiation period of wheat is prolonged by 3 to 5 days. It helps to form large spikes. Together with the robust development of individual plants, it is also beneficial to large spikes and grains. The number of grains in mulched wheat was 32.2 grains, which was 3.6 grains more than the control. According to inspections by Fukuyama Agricultural Science Institute, the average of six wheat varieties was 0.001 cm in the length of mulch film, 0.4 cm in the length of the forest, and 8.6 spikelets per spike. There were 1.3 more than the control and 12.16 infertile spikelets, which was 0.12 less than the control. The panicle traits were significantly better than the control. The mulching wheat grain filling stage is 2~5 days earlier than the control, which not only prolongs the grouting time, but also makes the entire grouting process carried out at a lower temperature, which can avoid the hazards of dry hot wind, which is conducive to normal grouting and increase the grain weight. Thousand-grain weight was 44.6g, 1.2g higher than the control.
2. Main cultivation techniques
(1) Soil fertility in filming and fertilization of wheat is inconvenient. Before planting, sufficient attention should be paid to applying base fertilizer. Normally, Mushi manure 3000~5000kg, urea 20~25kg, phosphate fertilizer 50kg K fertilizer 20kg, combined with shallow tillage, one-time bottom fertilizer sowing in 10~ In the 15cm tillage layer, the ground is finely leveled to ensure the quality of the coating.
(2) The flood season and appropriate planting period should be 5 to 10 days later than the conventional sowing date, that is, sowing in mid-October, because the problem of rinsing can be delayed until the beginning of November; the sowing rate is 10% lower than the conventional sowing rate, on the varieties Drought-resistant, lodging-resistant medium and high-yield species should be selected, such as 85722, Lumai 21, Laonung 8834, and D27.
(C) improve the film and sowing quality using mechanical sowing, per acre 2.8 to 30,000 points, in the sowing process, the speed should not be too fast, so as to avoid misalignment, and to achieve appropriate seeding to preserve the seedlings. Deep sowing 3~4cm.
(IV) Timely seedlings and seedlings The mulching wheat planted in mid-October will be planted in the 3 to 4 leaf stage, and after the late October, the wheat mulching film will be planted immediately after returning to green, and the seedlings will be carefully broken and broken.
(5) Controlling Weeds There are more weeds in dry-fed land, and if no herbicide is applied before the film is covered, weeds can be used to suppress the growth of weeds in weeds.
(6) Control of pests and diseases Plastic film of wheat is often jeopardized by underground pests. Therefore, seed dressing should be performed with pesticides. During the growing period, timely prevention and control of pests and diseases should be carried out.
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